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i <br /> t w <br /> MASHPEE SCHOOL COMMITTEE-Regular Meeting-JANUARY ARY , 200 Page 6 <br /> 8.8 CIP Priorities <br /> Mrs. Bradshaw stated that she would life input on what the School Cournittee members <br /> feel would be the two top priorities needs that the Capital Improvement Prod ect should <br /> focus on. She would like the School Committee members to discuss and be able to <br /> inform the CIP Conunittee members what they feel are the two top priorities in order of <br /> importance to submit to the CIP Committee. <br /> Mrs. Mills felt that a new maintenance vehicle and I .C.Coombs bathrooms were two <br /> items of importance. <br /> After some discussion, the first priority item that the board decided on was the <br /> K.C.Coombs bathroom. <br /> Mrs. Bradshaw suggested that the members should list what they felt should be the <br /> second priority for the CIP, and the board felt that the new maintenance vehicle was their <br /> second priority. <br /> S <br /> Motion made by Mrs. Iome , seconded by Mrs. Grady that the three priority items for <br /> submission to the CIP, would be: 1 KCCoombs bathroom, 2 maintenance vehicle and <br /> (3) security system. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous <br /> IX. Specifically Assigned/Unfinished Business <br /> There was no specifically assigned or unfinished business to report on. <br /> X. New Business <br /> 10.1 School Committee Appointee <br /> Mrs. Mills stated that there were four people that applied to fill the vacancy that existed <br /> due to Mrs. l eis's vacancy, being Kathy Lynch, (former School Committee member), <br /> Peter Tessiei i <br />