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SCHOOL, COMMITTEE—FfNANCE MEETING—MARCH 211, 2007 PAGE <br /> .4 Per p l Five Year Trends <br /> Mrs. Bradshaw explained the graph of per pupil five-year trends. She explained <br /> that Special Education funding has increased over the five-year period. <br /> 5.5 Student Art Work <br /> Mrs. Bradshaw commended the following students for having their artwork <br /> selected to be in the Town Report: Amelia Richard, Kara Collins, Jacqueline <br /> Dane, McKenzie Thomas, Lead Ci alis, Sierra Costa, Tess McDonald, Amanda <br /> M Errroe, Samantha Dorris, Kylie Moses, Catelyn S ulos, Samuel McGuire, and <br /> Kenny Peters. <br /> Mrs. Bradshaw also expressed her congratulations to Ms. vieria who has been <br /> nominated for the Massachusetts Teacher f the Year. <br /> 5.6 Information requested by Bob Hutchinson <br /> Mrs. Bradshaw explained that this information was requested by Bob Hutchinson, <br /> and includes AYP Reports, MCAS Scores, SAT Scores, AP Scores, and School <br /> Improvement Plans. <br /> Mrs. Mills reminded everyone that the Future Business Leaders of America trip to <br /> New York ill be taping place shortly. She stated that it was a well planned <br /> event with a tremendous itinerary, and wished all the students well. <br /> VI. Executive Session - Motion made by Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mrs. Mills, to <br /> move into executive session at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of negotiations and <br /> litigation. <br /> Roll Call vote: In favor- Mrs. Grady, Mr. Thomas, Mrs. Ror y, Mrs. Mills, <br /> Mr. McNamara; opposed-none. <br /> The finance meeting reconvened at 8:15 p.m. <br /> Motion made by Mrs. Mills, seconded by Mr. McNamara,amara, to ratify the Teachers' <br /> Association Memorandum of Agreement as amended on page 3 effective <br /> September 1, 2007 —June 2o, 2010. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous <br /> VII. Adjournment- Motion made Mr. Thomas, seconded by Mr. McNamara to <br /> adjourn the finance meeting at :20 p.m. <br /> R s ectfull su itted, <br /> all Hannan <br /> School Committee Recording Secretary (substitute) <br />