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MAS EE PUBLIC SCHOOLS <br /> REGULAR MEETING OF MAY 7, 2008 <br /> Minutes <br /> Attendees: <br /> MaryFse Grady, Ralph Marelli, Kathy Stanley, Janice Mills, and Richard Bailey. Also <br /> in attendance were Superintendent of Schools Ann Bradshaw and Business Administrator <br /> Patricia Lugo. <br /> 1. Call fleeing to Order <br /> Mrs. Grady called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the Quashnet School library. <br /> II. Executive Session <br /> Mr. Marcelli made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Mills, to moveinto executive session for <br /> the purpose of litigation, negotiations, and personnel at 6-31 p.m. <br /> Roll Call vote: In favor- Mrs. Grady, Mr. Mar elli, Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. hills and Mr. <br /> Barley, opposed- none. <br /> The meeting reconvened at 7:05 p.m. <br /> III. Public Forum <br /> Mrs. Grady stated that she would extend the public forum to 30 minutes and would give <br /> each of the tern people who had signed up to participate 3 minutes each to spear. She <br /> reminded everyone about the rules of the public forum. <br /> Mr. Don Meyers requested information about what the source of FY08 funds would be <br /> that would be used to fund shortfalls. Mrs. Grady stated she would be addressing this <br /> later in the meeting. <br /> Ms. Holly MacDonald spoke against the proposal to use the Cape Cod Collaborative orative for <br /> special education transportation. <br /> Alex Clary, a seventh grade student, spoke about the importance of 7th&8th grade sports. <br /> Mr. peter Cohen spoke about the special education transportation proposal. He stated he <br /> has testimonials from many parents. He stated that the Mashpee gran drivers have close <br /> relationships with students and that children, feel safe. He encouraged the Committee e t <br /> figure out a better way to make the budget work. <br /> Ms. Jennifer Rivera spore as a special education parent. She stated that using the <br /> Collaborative is not in the best interest of the children. <br /> Tins. Suzanne Avtges stated that the Association hopes that the Committee will find a <br /> ay to fund an elementary librarian and an assistant principal, that they will follow the <br /> recommendations from the restructuring committee, and to trust the MTA as <br /> School Committee Regular Meeting 5/7/08 1 <br />