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high school and middle school. There was discussion about professional development <br /> time. <br /> Mrs. Mills made a motion to accept the FY09 calendar, seconded by Mr. Bailey. <br /> VOTE: In favor- Mr. Mareelli, Mrs. Stanley, Mrs. Mills, and Mr. Bailey; opposed- Mrs. <br /> Grady. <br /> XV. Program of Studies <br /> Mrs. Bradshaw discussed the Program of Studies at the high school, and explained that <br /> currently there are no new courses being offered. <br /> Xvl. Budget F' I Adjustments <br /> Ms. Lugo discussed the budget sub-committee meeting on April 30, 2008. The school <br /> needs to make $616,000 in budget cuts. IVIS. Lugo explained that they are also looking t <br /> prepay certain items. <br /> Mrs. Grady stated that if the schools are to fund more sports programs that more funding <br /> would need to be allocated. <br /> IVIS. Lugo explained that the funds for pre-pays are coming from approximately $250,000 <br /> in salaries that would not be expensed for positions that were not filled, and for long-tern <br /> absences. There is also $122,000 in expenditures that will not be used such as $49,000 <br /> for the math program, and $60,000 in energy savings. <br /> Mr. Bailey suggested putting together a memo for Mr. Meyers and the finance committee <br /> e <br /> to explain the source of the pre-pays. <br /> Mrs. Grady stated that the Committee would have another budget sub-committee meeting <br /> before a vote at the next Finance meeting. <br /> XVIII.D irecto r of Curriculum Summary of Project <br /> Ills. Bankston spoke about the many activities and responsibilities her position, and broke <br /> down her activities into the following broad categories: <br /> Curriculum and Instruction <br /> ► Assessment <br /> Professional Development <br /> • Grants <br /> District programs <br /> District responsibilities <br /> XIX. Proposed Summer Coursework <br /> IVIS. Bankston explained that there are three summer courses being offered, which are as <br /> follows: <br /> • Understanding by Design/Differentiated Instruction <br /> • Developing Mathematical Ideas <br /> School Committee Regular Meeting 5/7108 <br />