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Sexual Harassment: <br /> Lal Hostile environment sexual harassment occurs when unwelcome sexual advances,requests for sexual favors, <br /> and other verbal, nonverbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature by another student, a school employee,or a <br /> third party on school property or at a school-related activity is sufficiently severe, pervasive or persistent so as <br /> interfere with or limit a student's ability to participate in or benefit from the district's programs or activities,or to <br /> interfere with or limit an individual's employment,by creating a hostile,humiliating, intimidating,or offensive <br /> educational or work environment. A victim may also be someone reasonably affected by conduct directed <br /> toward another individual. <br /> 12 Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs when a school district's employee explicitly or implicitly conditions <br /> participation in an education program or activity or bases an educational decision on the student's submission to <br /> unwelcome sexual advances,requests for sexual favors,or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, <br /> whether or not the student submits to the conduct.Quid pro quo sexual harassment occurs,for example,when a <br /> school employee causes a student to believe s(he)must submit to sexual advances to receive a better grade than <br /> deserved,or is threatened with a loss of promised college application recommendation unless the student dates <br /> the employee. Quid pro quo sexual harassment also occurs when a school district's employee conditions an <br /> employee's employment on submission to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other <br /> verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature or a basis for an employment decision(e.g., promotion,demotion, <br /> alteration of duties or hours or performance reviews). <br /> U Sexual harassment may occur adult to student,student to student,student to adult,adult to adult,male to female, <br /> female to male, female to female, and male to male. <br /> Depending on the circumstances, sexual harassment may include, but is not <br /> limited to: <br /> Lal Verbal forms of sexual harassment, including repeated unwanted requests for dates,sexual rumors,sexually <br /> explicit jokes, howling, whistles, catcalls, making unwanted gender-based references to a person's physical <br /> characteristics; <br /> U Written forms of sexual harassment, including obscene graffiti, sexually graphic computer messages or <br /> games, love poems or letters continuing after being informed they are unwelcome; <br /> Lal Nonverbal forms of sexual harassment, including offensive gestures,following or stalking another,comering <br /> or blocking a person, leering, pressuring for sexual activities; <br /> 9 Visual forms of sexual harassment, including displaying sexually suggestive or sexually provocative <br /> photographs, pictures, objects, cartoons, or posters; or <br /> i� Unwelcome physical touching, including grabbing, groping, squeezing, sexual fondling, kissing, <br /> brushing against another's body, body hugs, and other unwelcome contact. <br /> HATE CRIME: A crime motivated by hatred or bias, or where the victim is targeted <br /> or selected for the crime at least in part because the person is a different <br /> race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religion, gender, or sexual orientation <br /> from the perpetrator or because the targeted person has a disability. A hate <br /> crime may involve a physical attack, threat of bodily harm, physical <br /> intimidation, or damage to another' s property. <br /> Indicators that a crime may constitute a hate crime include: <br /> Use of racial, ethnic, religious or anti-gay slurs; <br /> 9 Use of symbols of hate, such as a swastika or burning cross; <br /> 7 Similar behavior toward others who are members of the same protected class; <br /> 34 <br />