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4/4/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
4/4/2018 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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4/20/2018 5:00:20 PM
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4/20/2018 10:02:56 AM
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location of the drainage and Mr. Feronti responded that drainage was located on the southern <br /> boundary. Mr. Lehrer provided a report regarding the request and had no additional <br /> recommendations. The Chair read Mr. Lehrer's report. Mr. Balzarini inquired about the eligible <br /> number of curb cuts, but Mr. Feronti was unsure. Mr. Balzarini expressed concern about <br /> additional entrances being created and Mr. Feronti responded that Mashpee Commons' intent in <br /> the past had been to limit curb cuts,but that, any need to do so,would be addressed with the <br /> Planning Board. <br /> MOTION: Mr.Balzarini made a motion to endorse the ANR plan for Mashpee Commons <br /> dated March 27,2018. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The plans were signed by Planning Board members. <br /> Discussion of proposed amendment to the Mashpee Zoning By-Law to add §174- <br /> 17.1,Raze and Replace, at May Town Meeting-The Chair read for the record proposed Article <br /> 17 D3. Mr. Lehrer stated that the proposed zoning article would allow a property owner to <br /> update their property, as long as the nonconformity remained consistent with the original <br /> structure. Mr. Lehrer expressed concern about language that could allow the removal of two- <br /> family homes;which would hurt the diversity of housing available in Mashpee. Two-family <br /> homes provided increased tax revenues compared to single family homes.. Additionally, Mr. <br /> Lehrer expressed concern about increasing impervious surface area to address parking issues, in <br /> light of the water quality issues faced by the Town. There was agreement that there were few <br /> two-family homes located in the area. Mr.Balzarini supported the Article. Mr. Lehrer <br /> confirmed that the Article would help homeowners to modify their homes without major <br /> obstacles, such as re-building the home on stilts. Mr. Weeden inquired whether the Article was <br /> specific to South Mashpee and Mr. Lehrer responded that the Article would cover the entire <br /> Town,but that the issue was most prevalent in the southern portion of Mashpee. Mr. Rowley <br /> confirmed that the Article was standard and that flood zone regulations would still remain. Mr. <br /> Rowley added that it made sense to prove sufficient parking. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to have a public hearing for Article 17 D3 on May <br /> 2 at 7:10 p.m. Mr. Kooharian seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Discussion of citizen petition article to release and extinguish a 120% moderate <br /> income restriction placed at 37 Center St. (Map36,Parcel 47D)-Article 18 D3 involved the <br /> potential sale of a deed restricted moderate unit affordable home located at 37 Center Street. The <br /> Chair believed that there had been some difficulty selling the home with the deed restriction and <br /> the owner wished to sell it at market rate without the restriction. Mr. Lehrer stated that a list of <br /> eligible buyers was typically maintained by a subsidizing state agency. However,there was no <br /> one on the list at 120%moderate income restricted eligible list so the owner was seeking deed <br /> restriction relief from the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Lehrer expressed his concern about <br /> preserving the existing SHI in Mashpee. Although the 120%moderate income home did not <br /> contribute to the list, there would be negative implications to Mashpee's affordable housing <br /> stock if homeowners were allowed to be released from deed restrictions at will. Mr. Lehrer <br /> stated that it was to the integrity of the affordable housing stock in Mashpee to be preserved. <br /> The Chair suggested that a public hearing be scheduled. The Chair would review the deed rider <br /> 2 <br />
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