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Read the Directions! <br /> Directions: Did you know that reading the directions is an extremely important strategy for acing that next test? <br /> Read the directions on this sheet carefully. Circle the words that indicate what you are being asked to do,such as <br /> compare,contrast,antonym,synonym,solve,same and opposite.There may be more than one word to circle for <br /> each set of directions. <br /> 1. Place the following events in chronological order from last to first. <br /> 2. The passage below is followed by questions based on its content.Answer the questions on the basis of <br /> what is stated in the passage. <br /> 3. According to the author,The Matrix is a weak film because <br /> 4. Each question below consists of a related pair of words or phrases,followed by five pairs of words or <br /> phrases labeled A through E. Now,raise your head and eyes from these directions and make eye contact <br /> with your teacher for extra-credit.Then,select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that <br /> expressed in the original pair. <br /> 5. Over which of the following countries has this flag never flown? <br /> 6. Of all the following statement,which would a historian least be able to establish as true? <br /> 7. Which of the following was an immediate cause for the fall of the Roman Empire? <br /> 8. The fraction 30/48 equals all of the following except <br /> 9. Below you will read a series of statements about photosynthesis.Which of the following statements are <br /> nottrue? <br /> 10. If the truck was carrying a shipment of 10,000 apples got into an accident and 25%of the shipment was <br /> lost,then how many of the apples were lost in the accident? <br /> 11. The square root of 48 is between which of the following <br /> Page 29 of 30 <br />