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M SNPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MINUTES <br /> MARCH 5, 1996 <br /> INFORMATIONAL MEETING COMMENCED AT :oOPM <br /> Finance COmmittee members present: Marcia King, Chairman; Alec <br /> Tutt and Juan Bacigalupo.. Due to the meeting not being posted, lir. <br /> Golub, Mr. Gallo and lir. Kumin were asked to leave, Dan Goggin was <br /> unable to attend. <br /> Please note for the record that the taping of this meeting is for <br /> the transcription of the Minutes only. Once the Minutes. are <br /> approved, the tapes will be reused. <br /> Conservation <br /> Bob Sherman, Conservation Agent, was available at the meeting for <br /> the purpose of discussing his budget. The group spoke about an <br /> unproved Green Tourism Program and the Conservation Lands <br /> Maintenance and Improvement Account. Mr, Sherman is asking that <br /> money be transferred from the Cranberry Boas Account. He p ovid.ed <br /> a memo to the Finance Committee for their review. Mr, Bacigalupi <br /> asked Mr. Sherman if he was aware that the Executive Secretary has <br /> only recommended $-1,,000 for the Repair and Maintenance Account and <br /> not $1 ,350 as Mr, Sherman has requested 1r. Sherman was not aware <br /> of that, but said that if the Finance Committee agrees with the <br /> Board of Selectmen on $1,000, thea he may need to come to. the group <br /> t a later time for a Reserv6 Fund Transfer. Ms. King mentioned <br /> that the Finance Committee is asking all department heads to be <br /> conservative and only request what is' absolutely necessary. Mr <br /> Sherman mentioned that the only increases in the- Salaries- Account <br /> is the stew increases of the employees in the department. <br /> Ms, asked "abpoucLrArticle Draft I the Harding Property in 0 <br /> th Johns Pondarea. 1r. Sherman explained that all costs <br /> associated with this purchase would cone from the State under its <br /> "Self Yelp" conservation and acquisition program or from existing <br /> Town funds designated for conservation use. Mr, Sherman mentioned <br /> that. the memo he had provided also contains information red.ating to <br /> this matter, <br /> r. Watt a } ed. the average i cranberry receipts revenue earned? � <br /> . Sherman answered that the Town re elves f what is earned ' <br /> and that Mashpee has received as high as $27,000 to $30,000 on <br /> average. Mr. Sherman, does however, expect it to be higher this <br /> year. <br /> Building Department <br /> Bill Hauck, Building Inspector, was present at the meting on <br /> behalf of the Building Department, Mr.. Bacigalupi, liaison to the <br /> Building Department, mentioned that his only concern was the <br /> increase from a part time building inspector t a full time <br />