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MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE MITES <br /> APRIL 30, 1996 <br /> MEETING COMMENCED AT 5 :0 P i <br /> Finance Committee members present: Marcia King, Chairman; Alec <br /> Watt; Mike Kumin; Sid Golub; Dan Goggin and Tony Gallo. Juan <br /> Bacigalupi was unable to attend. The meeting was held at the <br /> Mashpee Middle school Library. <br /> Please note for the record that this public meeting was not audio <br /> taped, but was video taped. <br /> Article 21 - Bufflehead Bay <br /> Badge Blackett, Senior Project Manager r Trust for Public land, was <br /> present at the Finance Committee meeting to answer any questions <br /> regarding Article 21 . Mr. Blackett began his presentation with a <br /> brief description of his organization and their involvement with <br /> i this Article. Mr. Blackett also gave an overview of bow the land <br /> care to be split into two phases and the grants involved. A <br /> Federal Grant (North American Wetlands Conservation Act NA' CA) for <br /> $750, 000 will. be -contributed to this purchase, as well as a <br /> reimbursement by the State of $500, 000 . The State will only <br /> reimburse the Town after the Town spends $750, 000 initially. The <br /> Town will then be responsible for $250, 000 after the reimbursement . <br /> . <br /> Mr. Blackett felt that the state would most likely reimburse the <br /> Town from anywhere of 30 to 100 days , <br /> Mr. Blackett mentioned that he felt there were two issues regarding <br /> this Article. The first was the valuation of the property and the <br /> second was the prospect of acquiring phase 2 . Mr. Blackett <br /> explained that the whole property is worth $4 million. The state <br /> and Federal Government will also certify and review the appraisals, <br /> and if there is a valuation problem, it will fall back on the 'gust <br /> for Public Land' s shoulders, according to Mr. Blackett . when <br /> explaining the prospects of acquiring phase 2, Mr. Blackett <br /> mentioned that there was no guarantee that the acquisition will <br /> happen. The Trust for Public Lund does have $50, 000 at stake for <br /> this first phase and if acquired will also have $50, 000 at stake <br /> for the second phase. Mr. Blackett assured those in attendance <br /> that his organization would work just as hard to find partners t <br /> help purchase the second phase. <br /> Ms . King informed the audience that Dave Bailey, Assessors Off ice, <br /> Tori Fudala, Town Planner and Bob Sherman, Conservation Agent was <br /> also in attendance. Mr. Bailey spoke briefly about the possibility <br /> of the wetland assessment being considerably lower than what it was <br /> appraised at . Deirdre Gr'eelish, who was in the audience, asked how <br /> both the Assessors and the Trust ' s appraisers could arrive at $4 <br /> million, when one group has this parcel appraised at $1 .5 million <br /> and one group has it assessed at $450, 000? M . Bailey answered <br /> that his department is looking at this parcel as 75 ages someone <br /> i <br />