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4/30/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
4/30/1996 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Letter to the VoterB at Ton Meeting <br /> Ms . King gave out another draft of the letter she had prepared. <br /> She asked again that any comments or corrections should be phoned <br /> into her at her office. She needed to finalize this letter and <br /> make copies . Attached to the letter, she explained, would be a <br /> sheet listing revenues, education, a debt summary, and the Tax <br /> rate, including the water District . 'there would also be ars <br /> attachment explaining the reasons for not recommending Articles 15, <br /> 17 and 24 . There would also be a description of Articles 3 and 21 <br /> which would be voted on at gown Meeting. Lastly,, there would be a <br /> sheet with definitions of certain budget terms and definitions . <br /> Mr. Bacigalupi arrived at the meeting. <br /> Ms . King mentioned that the Executive Secretary raised the local <br /> receipts by $400, 000 . Nor. Golub also asked what would happen if <br /> all of the $500, 000 was placed in Stabilization from Free Cash <br /> during the Special Town Meeting and the annual budget then runs <br /> deficit Ms . King mentioned that she would contact the Town <br /> Accountant and ask her that question, <br /> The Committee discussed the Articles which they would be <br /> recommending on Town Meeting Floor. ms, King asked how the <br /> Committee felt about the CIP article The Committee all agreed <br /> with FY97, but not with the outer years. They would only be <br /> recommending FY97 . Ms . ding thea asked how they felt about <br /> Bufflehead Bay. Each member expressed their feelings about the � <br /> Article. Mr. Golub asked what would happen if their was a tie on <br /> the board when the Article was voted? riffs . King answered that the <br /> Committee would then have no position. Mr, Golub Motioned t <br /> approve the purchase of Bufflehead Bay. Mr. I um n seconded the <br /> Motion and members voted three approving and three opposing, Mr. <br /> Matt abstaining. Mr. Golub, Mr. Kumin and Mr. Bacigalupi <br /> approving. Ms . King, Mr, Gallo and Mr. Goggin opposing. It was <br /> agreed that they would go to 'down Meeting without a position. <br /> Mr. Golub mentioned that Tom Cahir has passed through the Douse <br /> early reimbursement requests for the high school . There was also <br /> an amendment put together by the superintendents regarding the <br /> removal of over burdened aid. Mr. Golub suggested that the Finance <br /> Committee also write a letter to the Senate ways and Means stating <br /> their support of this . Ms, King stated that she would contact <br /> Selectman Caffyn because she had a draft of the original letter <br /> which was also signed by the Selectmen. Mr. Golub Motioned to send <br /> this letter. Mr. Bacigalupi seconded the Motion and members <br /> approved 6-0 . Mr. Gallo had left prior to the vote. <br /> Minutes <br /> Mr. Bacigalupi Motioned to approve the Minutes of March 26th and <br /> April 2nd as written. Mr. Kumin seconded the Motion, Members � <br /> approved the two sets of Minutes by a vote of 5-0, Mr. Goggin and <br />
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