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i <br /> ,.J <br /> Mr. watt questioned Fire Chief Faker about the extended shifts of the Firemen. Chief Baker <br /> commented that this is a strong tradition of firefighters. If you go outside of New England, <br /> most places work 24 hour ships with a 56 hour work week. In New England and the East <br /> Coast they use the 48 hour work week. There was discussion on the shifts of the firefighters <br /> and the schedule of their day--how the routine of their day gees—maintenance,vehicle <br /> inspections,wilding inspections,training. There is now more time spent on fire prevention. <br /> It was noted that there is better control of firefighters with a 24 hour shift. <br /> Mrs. Goulart questioned the difference between recall and overtime. Fire Chief Baker noted <br /> that recall directly relates to their responses(rising the beeper to call someone back in),while <br /> overtime is directly related to their staff'coverage of vacation and sick leave. <br /> --Station renovation Pro ect: <br /> Fire Chief Baker noted that they are requesting$1,650,000 for the Station Renovation Project <br /> and that this figure is included in the FY 1998 C.I.P. <br /> Deputy Fire Chief Hamblin stated that an item to consider is the maintenance cost on the <br /> existing building versus the new building. He noted that the maintenance cost on the existing <br /> building is tremendous because of the way it was constructed and they hope to save a <br /> significant amount with the new construction which is being proposed between maintenance <br /> and energy costs. <br /> Chief Baker informed the Finance Committee that included in this project arc the following: <br /> • Architectural and Engineering for the main station. <br /> • 8,000 square foot addition to the current 10,000 square foot station. <br /> • Architectural and engineering for 5,500 square foot South Mashpee substation. <br /> Chief Baker went over the Fire and Rescue Station Schematic Design with the Finance <br /> Committee. He noted that very happy with the design. He stated that they went back to <br /> the drawing boards many, many times to come up with the final plan. He noted that he feels <br /> it is adequate for 25 years. <br /> --Funding. <br /> I�Y of Pryect: <br />