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4/8/1997 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
4/8/1997 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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4 <br /> Mr. Golub noted that the C.I.P. has stated that they cannot go out two,three years on <br /> priority items because they don't know what it is going to be and do not want to make <br /> that decision. Mr. Golub noted that,as an alternative,he suggests that they cone up <br /> with a program with the amount of money they have for each year with what they see a <br /> need. They only can spend whatever the amount of the projection is in the five-year <br /> plan plus the reduction in debt service. <br /> There was discussion concerning the debt service. In addition,there was dicussion <br /> concerning Annual Town Meting Article#7 for the expansion and renovation of the <br /> Mashp a Fire Rescue Station based on the faact that this is not in the Capital Improvement <br /> Program. <br /> Mr. Goggin commented that all Capital Improvements should be run through the Capital <br /> Improvement Program. we should not allow one department to go around the C.I.P. to get <br /> their project funded. They should put it in their program or not put it in their program. <br /> Mr. Golub stated that Mr. Cleary should point out at the C.I.P. meeting that there is concern <br /> among the Finance Committee that the C.I.P. Committee has not included in their program <br /> anything in respect to the Fire Station renovations. The Finance Committee feels this should <br /> be part of the presentation. If there is a further gap in our spending requirements that may <br /> be needed to be filled by an override,then that is to be addressed by thein. <br /> TOWN TREASUREIEU. <br /> Mr.Goggin'stated that he received documentation from Anne Shaw,Town Treasurer, in <br /> .response to a memo written to her by Mr. Golub concerning items to be addressed in order to <br /> approve various.budget items affecting the Treasurer. <br /> Mr. Coggin informed the Finance Committee that he had a copy of the Final ficial <br /> Statement,Dated January 22, 1997,Town of Mashpee, General Obligation,Municipal <br /> Purpose Loan of 1997 Bonds. He instructed the Board Secretary to write a memo to Anne <br /> Shaw requesting a copy of this document for each Finance Committee member. <br /> Mr. Coggin also noted that he received a copy of an article which appeared in the Enterprise <br /> concerning a new tax collecting tool being investigated by Anne Shaw. He noted that this <br /> was in response to Mr. Colub's question concerning the delinquent real estate taxes in the � <br /> town. Mr. Golub stated that he wants a computer printout of tax liens and tax foreclosures, <br /> item by item, along with a plan on what is being collected and how these things are going to <br /> be liquidated to get us down to a reasonable level. He does not feel that we were at a <br /> reasonable level as of the last report which was six months old. He stated a reasonable level <br /> should be what is the average on the Cape. Mr. Golub stated that he wants Anne Shaw, <br /> Treasurer,to do the following: <br /> Inform the Finance Committee if she has any plans to investigate selling these <br /> receivables. <br /> If she does have puns, Haat.the Finance Committee should recommend whatever the <br /> feelings are of the Finance Committee with respect to how she should approach the <br /> delinquent receivables along with the selling of those receivables to fund some of the <br /> capital needs of the town. Mr. Golub stated that he would request from the Town <br /> Treasurer a list of receivables along with the assessed values. <br />
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