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Proposed Warrant Article <br /> To see if the Town will vote to amend Section 40-4 of the Code of the Town of <br /> Mashpee by deleting the last sentence thereof and inserting in lieu thereof the <br /> following language: <br /> "The Finance Committee, in accordance with the requirements to <br /> make recommendations to the Town (Chapter 5, Article III,Section 5-9) <br /> shall publish and distribute to every voter registered to vote in <br /> Mashpee as of thirty (30) days prior to such meeting a copy of said <br /> warrant containing a report and recommendations with respect to the <br /> articles in said warrant by the third Monday of the month preceding <br /> the Town Meeting, provided that any two (2) or more registered voters <br /> who reside in the same household shall be entitled to only one copy of <br /> such warrant. The Finance Committee shall in addition to the <br /> foregoing publish and deliver to the Clerk 500 copies of said warrant for <br /> distribution to the public at large on a first-come, first-serve basis." <br />