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4 <br /> Mr. Coffey distributed a report of an itemized breakdown of the Consulting Engineer's costs <br /> for his inspections and meeting attendance costs. He stated that,on average,he was about <br /> $900 a month expense. <br /> Mr. Coffey informed the Finance Committee that the Planning Board recently adopted a new <br /> fee structure. He said they did an analysis of the last six months of the fiscal year and <br /> commented that if the new fee structure had been in place during this six months,they would <br /> have made$7,800. He noted that older subdivisions that already have a permit will be paying <br /> the older fees;however,anything new which carnes in will be under the new fee structure. <br /> Mr. Coffey noted that the Planning Board is increasing their budget request for next year. <br /> Mr. Goggin made a motion that the Finance Committee <br /> approve the Request for Transfer From The Reserve Fund <br /> in the amount of$5,000 to be transferred to the Planning <br /> Board Expense Amount. <br /> Motion second by Mr. Cleary. <br /> Vote.-Unanimous - . <br /> Mr. Golub questioned Mr. Coffey if he could do an analysis indicating the flow of revenues <br /> and expenses over the last few years if he needs to come before the Finance Committee again <br /> for a Request for Transfer. Mr. Coffey agreed. <br /> POLICE CHIEF PRZY YL K AND POLICE DEPARTMENT <br /> BUDGET: <br /> Police Chief Prybylek made a presentation on the Mashpee Police Department budget <br /> request for Fiscal Year 1999. <br /> Chief Prybylek noted that he received the updated budget figures this morning from the <br /> Executive Secretary and he has updated his line item sheets to reflect those and will comment <br /> on those re om end tion . <br /> Chief Prybylek noted that he will go over his budget in numerical order. He stated that there <br /> are gree major budget categories: <br /> Police Salary Wage,which is the largest account, <br /> Police Expense, <br /> and Dispatcher's Salary[Wa e. <br /> Chief Pr ybylek informed the Finance Committee that it has been recommended to the <br /> Selectmen that the Dispatcher's Salarylwage accounts be absorbed into the Police <br /> Slarywae account because thcy mirror account for account most of the big accounts. <br /> .Police Slglw , <br /> 0 194 Police Full Time Salary <br /> This account funds the salary of the Chief of Police and Deputy Chief of Police. <br /> This is pretty much the same as last year. <br />