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i <br /> 7 <br /> Notion to Accept Council on Aging Expense Budget.Amount of$26,877: <br /> Motion made by Mr. Golub to accept the total budget amount of <br /> $2 ,77.00 for the Council on Aging Expense. <br /> PLANNING DEPARTMENT BUDGETREVIEW: <br /> Ir. Torn Fudala,Town Planner,Planning Department, reviewed the Planning Department's <br /> budget request for FY9 . <br /> 1r. Fudala noted that there have been a lot of cuts by the Executive Secretary to his budget <br /> and he is not sure why. He added that one item he is very concerned with is the Planning <br /> Department-Mages. He stated that this account funds the overtime for the secretary. He had <br /> a budget figure of$1,000 and the Executive Secretary eliminated this$1,000. Mr. Fudala <br /> stated that they always have that budget. He added that through her union contract, she gets <br /> choice of using comp time or money for her overtime. Mr.Fudala stated that she needs to <br /> work overtime whenever there are rush projects that need to be done. I1rlr.Fudala noted that <br /> she needed to work overtime for the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Motion to Aporove Tannin a t.-wa es: <br /> Motion made by Mr. Coggin to approve the Planning Dept. -Wages <br /> Account in the amount o $1,000. <br /> Motion seconded by Mrs. Coulart. <br /> Vote:Unanimous. 6-0. <br /> Ch.aimian Watt noted that since there are no objections to any of the other figures under <br /> Planni <br />