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Tuesda March 17, 199$,RegAg Session <br /> Motion made by Mrs. Goulart to approve the Finance Conmfittee <br /> l iinutes of Tuesday,March 17, 1998,as submitted. <br /> Motion seconded by Mr. Gallo. <br /> Vote:Unanimous. -0. <br /> TueWM Mr rch 24, 199 &&Wr Session <br /> Motion made by Mr. God to approve the Finance Committee <br /> Minutes of Tuesday,March 24, 1998,as submitted. <br /> Motion seconded by Mr. Golub. <br /> Vote:Unanimous. 5-0. <br /> LEISURE SERVICES BUDGET REVIEW: <br /> Gus Frederick,Director of Leisure Services,,reviewed the F 99 budget for Leisure Services. <br /> Chairman watt commented that the Finance Committec was interested in the requested <br /> position to be funded out of general town funds. In addition,Mr. Goggia stated that they <br /> wanted to discuss the lights for the field at Heritage Dirk. <br /> Ir. Fredericks stated that in the Leisure Services budget,the major item in their budget is the <br /> request for an individual to tale up additional responsibilities and activities that Leisure <br /> Services has been involved with in scheduling the schools and expanding the continuing <br /> education program for the town. Mr.Frederick noted that when the Selectmen and the <br /> School Committee met eighteen months ago,there was a consensus from both groups that Mn <br /> order to help this expansion progress smoothly and in an effYcicnt manner,they would need <br /> additional help to do this. They are now requesting that this our. <br /> Mr. Frederick stated that not only are they scheduling and developing more programs,but <br /> they are also having wilding coverage as well,especially in the evening time. He aid that <br /> one area they are looking at for the scheduling of this additional person is that they would <br /> have the individual located in the Leisure Services office at the High School,most hely from <br /> 4:00 9:00 P.M. This would be in order to have building coverage but also to allow <br /> individuals to be able to register in the evening. <br /> Mr.Frederick also noted that they are looking at the possibility of trying to be able to accept <br /> credit cards for the individuals to pay for their progranns. <br /> Mr.Fredenick Fredericknoted that they are looping at rcgular growth but also increased revenue for the <br /> revolving account by having the credit card payment available and having someone on site at <br /> the High School in the evenings. <br /> Upon questioning by Mr. Goggin,Mr.Frederick stated that last year they spent$6,600 for an <br /> individual to do the scheduling for thcm. This person was paid out of the Devolving Account. <br /> Mr. Frederick discussed the computer classes they have and that they are looking at <br /> increasing the number of computer classes they offer. <br />