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Chairman Watt noted that the Article is in the Annum Town Meeting which means the funds <br /> would not be available to be expended until,duly. Chairman Watt questioned if they would b <br /> looking at installing the lights for the next baseball season. Mr.I intino and Mr. McClintock <br /> commented that the lights would be installed in the Fall for the baseball season next year. <br /> Chairman Watt thea questioned if it would be possible to put this Article off until October <br /> Town Meeting. It was noted that the problem is with the scheduling of the company to install <br /> the lights along with the weather. The optimal weather to install the lights is in the Fall. <br /> The Finance Committee discussed the budget and the restrictions on the budget for this year. <br /> It was questioned when the money would be available if it was voted at the October Town <br /> Meeting. Mr. Golub stated that the money would be available the next day. <br /> Mr. Golub questioned what the annual maintenance of the lights would be after two years. <br /> They stated that it would just be replacement of the light bulbs which would be approximately <br /> $200. <br /> Motion to rove Article <br /> Ilrir.Kumin made a motion to approve Article 43 for the amount of <br /> $151,000 for the outer athletic lighting for the baseball field at Heritage <br /> Park. <br /> Motion seconded by Mr. Goggin. <br /> Discussion: <br /> Mr. Golub stated that he supports this Article;however,this expenditure, <br /> at this time,is a bad idea. He recommends that it should be postponed <br /> until the October Town Meeting. <br /> Mrs. Goulart and Chairman Watt stated that they agree with Mr. Colin. <br /> Mr. Goggin questioned the Finance Committee's tradition of no money <br /> Articles at October Town Meeting. Mr. Golub stated that it is an unusual <br /> circumstance this year in that they will not know how much money they have <br /> from the State until after the May Town Meeting. He noted that because of <br /> this,he would not have a problem with this money Article being included for <br /> the October meeting. <br /> Chairman Watt stated that there are guidelines that the Finance Committee <br /> follows,but there are always exceptions to the rules. He feels that they should <br /> watt until the October Town Meeting for this Article. <br /> After discussion among the Finance Committee members concerning the <br /> Town's budget and that it is not Danced and that they are waiting for <br /> State monies,a vote was taken: <br /> Vote: <br /> Approved Motion: Goggin,Kumin <br /> Opposed Motion: Golub,G u.lart, Watt <br /> Motion Not Passed. 2 Approved/3Opposed <br />