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October Town Meeting.Article 8—Board of Health Solid waste Account: <br /> Mr. Golub infon ed the Finance Committee members that he spoke with Elias McQuaid <br /> regarding this Article. Mr.McQuaid noted that they tried to charge and it did not work out <br /> with DiMaggio. There were a lot of complaints from residents and the Selectmen,so they cut <br /> it out and now they are going to fend it themselves. <br /> WARRANT ANALYSIS PRIN'T'ING ISSUES: <br /> Mr. watt informed the Finance Committee that he has received bids for the printing of the <br /> Finance Conunittee's Warrant Analysis. He noted the bids as follows: <br /> $1,900 for 4,300 copies. <br /> $3,100 for 7,200 copies. <br /> Mr. watt stated that with 41,300 copies,they can mail to individual households with at least <br /> one registered voter. He noted that postage is more when it is mailed to individual houses— <br /> 100 more;however,you are saving in the printing expense. <br /> NEW USMESS <br /> Board of Selectmen Meetin <br /> Chairwoman Coulart noted that she attended the Selectmen meeting last night and they noted <br /> that they received something from the Department of the Army which notes that they had <br /> until September 30 to fifl out a form to get some money back from the cranberry bogs that <br /> they are not growing. leis. Caffyn was upset because it was too quick of an ultimatum—there <br /> were too many issues by the Department of the Army and she was not sure legally what rights <br /> were being taken away. <br /> FINANCE TCE COMMITTE NEXT MEEMG: <br /> The next regular meeting of the Finance Committee will be held on: <br /> Tuesday, September 29,at the Mashpee Town tel,beginning at 6:30 P.M. <br /> Mr.I umin noted that he will be unavailable for the Finance Conun <br />