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2 <br /> CAPITAL IT"ROVEMENTPROGRAM: <br /> Chairwoman Goulart questioned Mr.Kumin on the status of the Capital Improvement <br /> ro m. lir.Kur n stand'tit they already had two-meetings which he was ale to <br /> attend and a meeting last week and this week which he attended. He commented that he <br /> belies they are getting.ready to-mare.their findings in another week. <br /> FINANCE COMMITTEE MEMBERS: <br /> Chairwoman Goulart noted that Mr. Golub will be away curing.the month of February and <br /> Mr. Arden is away until the middle.of Febn4wy. <br /> LAND COMMIT'T'EE: <br /> Chairwoman Goula rr questioned Mr. Chan on the status of the Open Land Commitee. <br /> ilrlr. Cashman Mated that there are all different situ they had picked out with regards to water <br /> and.otier issues. They were-to Ott 3_priorities—Vose propel;property in the'=4 of <br /> Willow Bend which is a waterfront property; and, Greenfield,which is the property night <br /> beyand;furtber down the road--which is a wildlife-refuge. However,Mr. Cashman-noted, <br /> someone has a purchase and sale agreement on Greenfield until the end of June,so they='t <br /> do-anything on it until:ager June 3 Mr. a b n-also noted that there is-a question <br /> whether the Mashpe water District is going to buy the Vose property. <br /> discusswn conte uing the way .which-they would obtain the money for the <br /> purchase of the land. <br /> E K- AR-PLA : <br /> an* mffmn Goulart mmented that Ofs receivedamme frow Mr. Whritn ur r c e t <br /> the Finance Committee to put together a five-year lawn. She said Mr. Writenour stated that <br /> it hasn't been done for-five-yews--there was,dLsmssion concerning the five-year plan which <br /> was updated fast year and put in the Fiance onumitt+e ' Report. <br /> Watt requestedAM-Board L9cc=ary to make- e. of last year's report_or the finance <br /> Committee"s mcmbers for newt meeting. <br /> BEST: <br /> Mr.-Watt commented-cm the School S.Simdal EcbmatimBudget and the SI 23=OW.increase. <br /> He noted that at the meeting last week, it was noted that Spcial Education was one of the <br /> main-reasonswhy their_budget went up so much commented that based on that,he <br /> thoug t it would be a larger increase. Chairwoman Goulart commented that evcryone should <br /> the school-budgerand-iftherc is anything in the budget which they-feel is <br /> unreasonable,to note it for the Finance Committee's next meeting and it can be discussed at <br />