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2/23/1999 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
2/23/1999 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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6 <br /> School <br /> D.P.w, <br /> Board of Health <br /> Councit on Aging <br /> Leisure Services <br /> Medical Insurance. <br /> Mr.Ken Musters, Chainnan of the Selden,noted that some of these budgets are being <br /> held for explanation purposes only and some are being held to cut the budget. <br /> There was discussion concerning the calculation to be used for the school's new hires. It was <br /> noted that a number has not been received from the school. <br /> Mr. Whritenour pointed out that there is a$100,000 increase in the School's Medi <br /> Insurance for 'Y20; however,that is mainly to cover the rising cost of the people that they <br /> already have and not for new hires. Mr. whritenour commented that it is critical to bring this <br /> up with the school as an order of business because medical insurance is a big part of the <br /> budget. <br /> Mr. Whritenour noted that he looked,at the School Budget and added up all-the-salary lincs <br /> and it loop like the salaries are increasing approximately$1,800,000 from the previous year. <br /> Mr. Golub reviewed his calculations with Mr. Whrit noun and the Selectmen and explained <br /> how he arrived at the student projections. He noted that they were over budgeted last year b <br /> approximately 90 students. He noted that they budgeted for 2226 students and they cane out <br /> with 2132 students. Mr. Golub stated that he figured out the grade to grade shut. He noted <br /> that he did not have a problem with the calculations for the first eight grades;however, in <br /> Grades 9 through 10,he took five years of averages and the drop every year was anywhere <br /> between %and 10%. Using those numbers-as the average for what will happen next year, <br /> he compares his 450 student projection through this method to their.534 student projection <br /> for FY2000 and comes up with an overestimate by them of 84 students. <br /> Additionally,Mx. Golub reviewed the following with the Selectmen: <br /> If the population projection is 2290-and you take away the overestimate of 85,it brings you to <br /> 2205. At$5, 00 per student allocation,you come up'With$12,750,000 as a budget figure. <br /> Next, take last years budget of$11,600,000 and add Falmouth's tuition of$500,000,which <br /> brings you to$12,100,000. There is ars additional 69 students,based on his numbers, coming <br /> into the school in FY2000(2132 to 2205)",which would be approximately$400,000 at$5,800 <br /> for a student; add %for inflation which would be MONO,,which brings you to a budget <br /> figure of$12,800,000. <br /> Mr. Golub pointed out that figuring it two different ways,he comes up with$12,800,000 as <br /> the logical budget at a reasonable level of cost per student.. <br /> Mr.Marsters stated that he worked on a different approach which focused on the elemcnUuy <br /> side. He said that he looked at birth rates to see if there is a correlation between birth rates <br /> and the amount of students per class. He went to the Town Clerk's office and got the birth <br /> rates from 1979 through 1998. He said the birth rates go up until 1992. The kindergarten <br /> class of this year is 1992. He commented on what happens to the kindergarten class of <br /> FY2000—the birth rate is down to 159. He commented that with regard to new people <br /> coming in,all that tends to wash out. He has looked at the class size and compared it with <br /> the girth rate;and,actually,the birth rate is higher in every case per grade class which would <br /> substantiate that next year's class coning in could even be lower than 153. <br />
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