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8 <br /> Chief Przybylek added that excise tax is a significant item which he projected at a savings to <br /> the'Town of approximately$1 0,000 per year. <br /> Chief Przybylek stated that the IRS requirem nts for the rebate on the excise tax for fuel does <br /> not require any documentation to be attached—they would only have to total up the slips,by <br /> gallons,for gas and for diesel separately for Fire,Police,and DPW.T. 'When,enter this amount <br /> on one form and multiply it out. <br /> Chief Przybylek stated that the Town has a contract with a vendor,the Police el there,they <br /> submit their hills to the Accountant's office,and any excise tax rebate would be handled <br /> there. <br /> Chief Przybylek stated that you can submit the rebate for three years lack,so the rebate could <br /> be as much as$30,000. <br /> Chief Pr ybylek added that the excise tax can be handled several different ways: <br /> a Could be done through a contract which would exclude the payment of excise tax to <br /> a vendor. <br /> 0 Could be done by using credit cards for major oil companies because they do ars <br /> automatic deduction for excise tax. <br /> 0 Could be done by the Town having its own fuel pumps,possibly located behind the <br /> Police Department because it would allow good-access for the fire apparatus. The <br /> cost on this could approach$100,000. This would have a good payback over time. <br /> With this option,you would also save the overhead paid to vendors on gasoline. <br /> "There was discussion`that you would not need someone to man the pumps. <br /> Last,they are trying to put a program together whereby they use a vendor's duel <br /> card which would be good at most gas stations and you would have one in every <br /> vehicle and employees would each have a card. You would bring the vehicle into <br /> the vendor and the cards are run through the system and when you get the bill from <br /> the company that issues the card,the company has already done the deduction for <br /> excise tax. Chief Przybylek commented that to do this program,the cost would be <br /> about$25 per car per year. Chief Przybylek stated that this approach is the latest <br /> program and the Selectmen have not seen this program yet. <br /> FY1999 Appwriation and FY2000 Bud et Request Amounts <br /> Upon questioning by Mr. Kurnin, Chief Pfzybylek noted the figures for FYI 999 <br /> Appropriation and F'Y000 Budget Request as follows: <br /> FYI 999 Appropriation for Expense $175;1297 <br /> F 1999 Total Budget.bequest $29011,395.88 <br /> FY2000 Appropriation for Expense $l85,309 <br /> 1Y200 Total Budget bequest $2,523,454: 8 <br />