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3/18/1999 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
3/18/1999 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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4 <br /> that ars additional growth of$100,000 in the SchoolDepartment's budget for school health <br /> insurance just for the existing employees has been factored in already. <br /> C ' Marsters questioned the School Committee if they could get that figure below <br /> 19,000,000. The School Cottee noted that that would be another$50,000 to cut and the <br /> additional expense of the medical insurance will drive that number up. <br /> Mr. Whritenour commented that for the most expensive medical plan,it would be a cost of <br /> approximately$5,500 a year. Ms. Cook stated there is approximately 23-24 new people being <br /> added. Mr. whritenour commented that it probably would not be far from an additional <br /> $100,000. <br /> Mr. 'fed 'Rourke,Presid nt of the I iashpee Teachers Association,read a letter he wrote t <br /> the Mashpee Selectmen,F inance Cottee,and School Cottee. A copy of this letter is <br /> attached to the Minutes of this meeting. <br /> Chairman Marsters conrnnYented that he has been reviewing the School budget to date and has <br /> noticed many salaries that have not had anything mid-to-date, Ms.Lynch stated that nu)st of <br /> them are paid later on•-towards the end of the year after they have performed their <br /> contriwtuai duties. She also commented that this is the same with spurts-the spurts <br /> thing salaries might not have been paid for yet. She also noted that with teacher's <br /> salane ,they have to beep money for their payment m the swnmer months, <br /> Mr.McDonald,onald,Acting School Superintendent,stated that they have made a major Fort to <br /> den. those gags that world lower them bD cermin numbers. He noted that,in his opinion, <br /> the figure that they are requesting of$13,350,000 is the absolute minimum that they can <br /> su.rle with. I ie stated that they have tried to take away the items that are the least painful t <br /> the children. He commented that ung under the figure of$13,,350.,000 is going to give <br /> then something less than the quality that he thinks the children deserve. Mr.McDonald <br /> requested that they look favorably upon the reductions they have made and the bottom line <br /> figure that they are supporting,recogna g that even with that fi uu ,all you need to do is <br /> look at the figures they have identified and you can see them are things that are nice to have <br /> that they are not going to have. <br /> Ms.Lynch stated that if you tape a loop at the current Teachers" :onuac there is a clause <br /> that was put into that contract to help them open the high school and that was that the <br /> teachers took their step inaeases in January rather than at the b ein of the year. They <br /> did this when they opened the high school to do cost savings. They were able to save quite a <br /> bit of money during the First tb=years of the contract;however,this expires with this <br /> contract. She noted that;therefore,the steps are twig as high this year because they are <br /> kicking in. The steps are costing$440,000 for this year. <br /> Chairman Marsters commented regarding the number of students and that he personally <br /> agrees-with the numbers the School Committee has submitted-the numbers for students and <br /> the number of teachers per grade. In addition,he commented that after reviewing,he feels <br /> the number of 2,290 for the high school is also a good number. <br /> Chairman Maters commented that he feels that they have to put their faith in the School <br /> Committm and believe that they arc down as low as they can go with their budget requests. <br /> Chairwoman Goulart questioned the additionW positions for SPED and whether they are <br /> emoti <br />
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