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6 <br /> The Board of Selectmen need to recommend a budget along with the Finance <br /> Committee in the Town Meeting warrant,which will be finalized by March 29. <br /> The Board of Selectmen would need to vote to place an article on the ballot t <br /> ode for an override,which is a simply worded question on should the town <br /> raise an additional" "amount of dollars over and above the Proposition 2-12. <br /> Ms,Lynch questioned when the ballot vote takes place. Mr.whritenour sued that the ballot <br /> vote would tiake place at the Town Election which takes place after the Town Meeting has <br /> been held. Ms.Lynch stated that they have to issue notice by May 1 they are laymi g <br /> anyone off Mrwhritnour stated that the Town Election is prior to May 15'h. <br /> Mr.Marsters commented that he appreciates the work of the School Department,the Finance <br /> Committee,,and the Board of Selwtmen. <br /> Ms.Lynch commented that in April,the State Mouse of Representatives Ecation Board is <br /> going to come down to Mashpee and she hopes that the School Comminee can get together <br /> with the Ekmwd of Selectmen prior to that and cone up with a plan that can be presented at <br /> that meeting. She rthcr added that at that meeting,include the Selectmen,the School <br /> Committee,the Police Department,and the School Union,and show that even though we live <br /> on Cape Cod and we have a lot of land we are not a rich community. She stated that they <br /> don't believe we have some of the same problems that you find in the cities. She noted that <br /> their job is going to have to point that out because the new formula is going to be decided by <br /> July and we have to get more aid, She added that it is very important that they have good <br /> handouts and show their case as quiddy and to the paint as they can. <br /> d' u ment of aLlectmen and School Committee: <br /> The Selectmen made a motion to adjourn their meeting at 7:45 P.M. At this time,,the <br /> Finance Committee continued_ their meeting to review their Omnibus and warrant <br /> recommendations. <br /> REVMW of_ROGER'_3yfM DI&M ROMMELMEYE& TOWN <br /> ACCOUNTANT: <br /> Ms.Rommelmeycr distributed a copy of the projects for fiscal year 2000 which the Capital <br /> Improvement Cottee has voted to recornnend. She noted that it also includes the Capital <br /> Improvement Five Year Plan. <br /> Ms.Ronunehne er distn uted the following reports with all of the Finance Conunittec <br /> recon nendations from prior meetings: <br /> • Updated Fiscal Year 2000 Budget Request§which has <br /> everything together <br /> • Updated Fiscal Year 2000 Omnibus Budget <br /> • Updated Fiscal Year 2000 Capital Budget. <br />