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2 <br /> Mr.Fleury stated that another major concern Iis the October Town Il eetmg. He stat d that <br /> they have put together a base budget to get them through the year. <br /> -Mr.Fleury informed the Finance Committee that the Board set five major issues that they are <br /> concerned with for the upcoming year. He noted that he has been meeting with the <br /> Administrators for the last two days and they ane up with the same five issues. The five <br /> major rues are listed below: <br /> 40 Financial Management,which he already mentioned. <br /> Safety of Students developing all kinds of emergency safety plans for the facility, <br /> children and thetaf.f: <br /> Testing and Accountability for the MCAS Scores—making sure that they can report <br /> how their district is doing and how the students are performing. <br /> Professional Development of the Staff'with -Service and Tra i <br />