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2 <br /> yesterday with the Board of Selectmen and he brought this issue up again. She noted that fir. <br /> Taylor had been before the Finance Committee in August on this issue. <br /> The memo requests that the hoard of Selectmen recommend that the upgrading of emergency <br /> power at the Public works building be considered eligible for emergency funding by the <br /> Finance Committee. <br /> Chairwoman Goulart stated that the lowest cost for the installation of a liquid propane <br /> generator to fully power the building is$28,224 installed. <br /> Chairwoman Goulart commented that she would like to have more Finance Committee <br /> members present to make a decision on thi's issue. <br /> Vere was discussion ani ong'the members on whether this is an emergency or whether it <br /> should go through the C.I.P. <br /> After a recommendation by Chairwoman Goulart to wait until the next Finance Committee <br /> meeting in December, it was agreed that the issue would be addressed at the next meeting of <br /> the Finance Committee. <br /> Mr.Morgan noted that he would like to have Mr.Taylor come rbe ore the Finance Committee <br /> at their next ineeting on this issue. Chairwoman Goulart stated that she is the D.P.W. <br /> Liaison;therefore,she will call Nk. Taylor and ask him to attend the next meeting. <br /> C <br /> Chairwoman Goulart commented that she had attended the est meeting of the C.I.P. which <br /> was basically a reorganization of the Committee. George Baker is the Chawi man and,at that <br /> tie,they scheduled m ctings for the next dour weeks with all the different departments. <br /> Chairwoman Goulart distributed copies of the minutes frorn the C.I.P. Committee meetings <br /> held on October 26,Member 2,and November 9. She also distributed a copy of the Town <br /> of Mashpee Departmental Requests for the FY20 0 Capital Improvement Program updated <br /> October 26,, 1999. <br /> Mr. Cashman,C.I.P.Liaison,noted that three of the four n e tmngs are finished. He said that <br /> next meeting they meet with the Selectmen;and,since lir. Taylor,Public works,did not <br /> finish today,he will be coming back to the meeting of November 23. <br /> Mr.Cashman noted that he spoke with Joseph Kusack and he's the Finance Committee's <br /> liaison. He said that ll&-l usa lc has been attending some of the C.I.P.meetings. <br /> Mr.Cashman stated that they have not voted on anything fret because the departments are still <br /> making their presentations. After next week when the Seltmen meet,they will probably <br /> start voti g on the submissions. <br /> The Finance Committee members discussed several of Departmental Requests for the,FY2000 <br /> Capital Improvement Program. <br />