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Finance Committee Minutes <br /> August 229 2000 <br /> Page Two. <br /> Maryanne Cribbs said she understands the history behind this article. The Town does not awe benefits,there <br /> is no money when people leave so it has to come out of the budget and it is quite costly to pay. <br /> ' CI ; <br /> This article was put on hold until received an explanation from the Treasurer. Dean said he did not ask the <br />' Treasnr r as he saw no reason to be concerned with this article,it is just as she said the amounts were estimates. <br /> Carlton Meredith made motion to approve Article 2. <br /> Maryanne Gibbs seconded <br /> Voted— nam*mous <br /> ARTICLE 5: <br /> This article was put on hold at the last meeting for transfer from available funds$9,500 to the Assessors' <br /> Saiarylwage Amount. Dean said he talked to Bob Whntenour and he said the Water D p rtnrent funds half of <br /> this position and the town will fund hal. <br /> Carlton Meredith made notion to approve Article <br /> Seconded by Maryanne Gibbs <br /> Discussion followed regarding filling the position, <br /> Carlton Meredith withdrew his notion. <br /> Jim Morgan rade motion to not fill the position. <br /> Sid Golub rude motion stating that this is not an October meeting article and not to recommend at this time. <br /> Jiro Morgan seconded <br /> Voted— 4-2-Morgan,Arnold,Golub,Meredith—approved <br /> Arden,Gibbs—opposed. <br /> AR'T'ICLE+ <br /> Dean said this article to transfer from mailable funds$11,800 to the Selectmen Wage/Salary Account is <br /> correotiog an error and is not adding a new person. <br /> Jing Morgan made motion to put on hold. <br /> Sid Golub suggested having Bob Whritenour cone to the next meeting to find out what the$1800 is for. <br /> Carlton Meredith seconded notion to put on hold. <br /> Voted— x nMeredit ,Golub,Morgan,Arnold—approved <br /> Arden,Gibbs—apposed. <br /> AR'T'ICLE <br /> Dean said he taped to Bob whritenour regarding the transfer from available funds$3,000 to the Hairbornraster <br /> alaryfW ge Account. This person is a policeman hired to control herring limit. The Indian are up-in=arms <br /> because the town limit needs to be enforced.. Jim Morgan n said he tamed to Lee Potter who said he has a lot of <br /> help from volunteers at no cost to the'down. Discussion followed regarding liability to town if someone gets <br /> hurt while volunteering. <br /> Jing Morgan Made mouon not to support the article. <br /> Carlton Meredith seconded. <br />