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09/27/2000 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
09/27/2000 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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r <br /> y� <br /> • <br /> MAST EE FINANCE COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES <br /> WEDNESDAY., SEPTEMBER 27,2000 <br /> Present: C innan Dean Arden <br /> Jeff Arnold,Maryanne Gibbs, Sidney Golub, Steve Cashman <br /> Absent: James Morgan,Carlton Meredith <br /> Also sent: Bob whritenour,Acting Chief Cooper <br /> CALIF To ODE : <br /> The meeting was called to order by Chairnxan Dean Arden at 5:10 p.m.,at the Nbshpee Police Department, <br /> Meeting Room,on Wednesday, September 27,2000. <br /> DISCUSSION REGARDING ARTICLE 10: <br /> Chainnm Arden said the Finance Committee met a week ago to consider two articles, one for the Fire <br /> Department and one for the Police Department. Chief Baker attended the meeting and the Board deliberated <br /> and approved his article. The next item was a request from the Police Department for $130,900. At the <br /> meeting, Jeff Arnold presented an analysis of the situation and Chairman Arden read the last paragraph of the <br /> analysis stating that fir. Amold did not believe that we can in good conscience approve the article as written. <br /> There are no shortfalls and as a matter of fact here remains a surplus of funds in the salary and wages of the <br /> police budget for FY01. <br /> Bob Whritenour said this is a very simple article but there are information gaps. They have not been able to <br /> meet with the Board and he felt bad for Deputy Chief Cooper and the Police L cpart ment. They were given the <br /> budget and because of retirements the accounts were overdrawn and they are trying to get the money back. He <br /> and Deputy Chief Cooper were there to share information and beg support for the article. <br /> y <br /> Chaim= Arden said that he, Carlton Meredith, and Deputy Chef Cooper net and it was their understanding <br /> that the retircrncnt settlement for Detective Fish had been removed from the budget. Chain=Arden said Jeff <br /> did not consider the situation with Detective Fish that was taken out of the budget. It was in the original <br /> proposed budget but then taken out. Discussion followed regarding figures. Jeff'Arnold explained how h <br /> came up with his figures. <br /> Chairman Arden said txerc is a pussble saving, leaving two luxes vacant for the year. Bob whritenour <br /> explained how they fill vacant positions through the Board of Scle=en. The Deputy Chief can hire from <br /> outside to fill two vacant positions. Bob whritenour said nothing new is being added at this time they are just <br /> ging to get on track,and he asked the Chief`to give a brief presentation. Deputy Chiefs Cooper said the Chief's <br /> settlement was$121,,147.23,and they are only asking for$10,000 more than that. He is looldng at all positions <br /> that have to be 6114 not just the Deputy Chief position or one sergeant or Fish position. 'There are two <br /> sergeant positions, one sergeant gog to DeputyChief and pronYetior of Deputy Chief to Chief and two police <br /> officers advancing into sergeant. There is a certain amount of training and orientation wbich amounts to <br /> another$12-14,000 and the differentW m pay and there would also be some increase needed for overtime and <br /> based on that he does not see surplus amount of money, <br /> Discussion followed between Duty Chief Cooper and Jeff Arnold regarding moves and changes and how they <br /> came up with figures. Sick Golub said if all positions are going to be filled and aft salaries have been budgeted <br /> for all of these slots, they are talking about difference between newly hired personnel and extra cost of chief <br /> remuneration. Deputy Chief Cooper said the fact still renis $121,000 was tarn out of the mount. Sick <br /> Golub said there should be some savings because of it being in budget. Bob whritenour explained they a re'now <br /> laying suppend for Acing Chief, extra sergeants, overtime, etc. They added up all amounts of monies needed <br /> n the job and to fill them and to get up and running and then went back and took out what they have left in all <br /> the accounts and it works ri ght up to just over$13 12000. The nmd is there. Sid said if they replace the Chief s. <br />
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