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i <br /> r <br /> r <br /> Finance Committee Minutes <br /> January 30,2001 <br /> Page Two. <br /> The Board discussed conning up with a figure and sending a letter to the Selectmen stating why they came up <br /> with that number and see if the Selectmen will jump on board with them. The earlier they send the memo to the <br /> Selectmen and get the Town on board the better off they will be. Fred Blythe said the growth is$1.2 rnillior� a <br /> he understands. Carlton Meredith suggested loong at everyone else first and give the school department the <br /> remainder and maybe a little more. <br /> Chairman Arden asked for the Board's thoughts on the amount for the school department budget. <br /> Jeff Aniold,Fred Blythe,Carlton Meredith,suggested$900,000- °o plus. <br /> Jim Morgan suggested$851,480, % <br /> Dean Arden suggested 1.1 million,which is more than generous. <br /> The Board discussed the$1.l million budget which would leave only 100,000 of growth money for all other <br /> departments within the Town. It is the Finance Committee recommendation that tie school budget come in <br /> between J%and 7.II/Io. <br /> APPROV AL OF MIN ll S: <br /> Jeff Arnold made notion to approve the Minutes of the January 9,200 1,Finance Committee Meet& seconded <br /> by Carlton Meredith. <br /> Voted-5-0—Unanimous <br /> FU T U RE MEETIINGS OF FIN AN CP COMMITTEE: <br /> The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be held on February 6,2001,7.00 p. .,Meeting Room#25 <br /> Mashpee Town Mall. Chairman Arden informed the Board that he posted meetings for every Tuesday through <br /> March and will have all budgets next week. He will not be a lc to attend the February e meeting as he has a <br /> prior commitment <br /> Fred Blythe informed the Board of a joint meeting on February 12'h,with the Selectmen,Finance Committee <br /> and Library,at 6.00 p.m, <br /> Chainlaan Arden said everyone has a responsibility to a major department and we should look at those <br /> departments as fast as we can and should start scheduling them. <br /> NEW BUSINESS: <br /> irman Arden asked if at the next meeting Jeff Arnold and Jim Morgan would tell the Board about the MMA <br /> meeting in Boston they attended. <br /> Fred Blythe made a request that the DPW be asked to furnish the Board with a list of vehicles by number,age, <br /> runes and/or hours of service. It has not been done yet. <br /> ADJOURNMENT, <br /> Motion made and seconded to adjoum the meeting at 8:20 p.m. <br /> Respectfullysubrm' ed, <br /> )Board <br /> oan C.Leorrtbr 0 <br /> Secretary <br />