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t y <br /> Finance Committee Minutes <br /> February 20 2001 <br /> Page Four. <br /> He wanted to make a couple of points for consideration. Utilities has increased,they are only guessing what it <br /> wiH be next ycar and are asking thein to considcr putting into contingency a utility increase and it would stay in <br /> contingency account and would not go into school coffers. Also,they have to take into consideration the <br /> increase of cost for health care and they are looking at an increase in SPED costs that are astronomical. They <br /> are asking for pre-payment of SPED costs inning$93,000 and are hopeful they can maintain Pre-PaYment <br /> approach giving there a little flexibility. They are looking at$190,000, %f"i me unenmMb nNt unspent with <br /> a few months left to go. He Just shut down on Purchasing, They have new proposed staff,utilities,MCAS <br /> maintenance and textbooks option that has increased the budget figure. If there were areas the Board feels they <br /> cannot support he would like to be gen the opportunity to try to defend it. <br /> Fred Blythe said when looking at$15 mon figure,it is hard to say where to cut. A %increase is a hefty <br /> increase when the rest of the'Town is getting %. If they gave everything that all.departments wanted they <br /> would be$953,000 over budges almost 1 mi ion over budget. They know that cannot happen and they try to <br /> be Fair,and they do not know what the School Department can do without. He understands conn about oil <br /> and electricity,and asked if the School Department had a number set aside for heat and clue. Mr.Fleury <br /> read figures,$56,000 for electric,and$95,000 for heat. The Superintendent said the MCAS has devoured diem, <br /> SPED has devoured them and the escalating costs of out of district tuition and transportation. Discussion <br /> followed regarding cost per pupil. He said he could get breakdown if they want and comparison with other <br /> awns. <br /> Fred Blythe asked how they are doing with the supplemental budget The Supcnnntendnt said he is getting <br /> positive vibes. Discussion followed regarding percent increase w previous years and only 12%this year. Fred <br /> Blythe said all other dcpartments have been close to level funded in past years and they are getting to the point <br /> where thcy need an increase in their budgets. Dismission followed regarding increase in numbers of high school <br /> students and the Superintendent felt the.numbers would plateau at 1,100 for grades 7-12. Kindergarten had 2 <br /> more kids than they thought they would.have;it should level off m 2 years. <br /> Discussion followed regarding the school lunch prow. The Superintendent said they arc conung up with a <br /> way to identify the kids without anyone knowing who is on the program. Numbers arc low in the high school <br /> and it wfll impact the state formula. <br /> Carlton Meredith said there is only so mach money in the pot and the school department would get its share and <br /> the Board thanked the Superintendent for conning in. <br /> APPROVAL of QTS: <br /> Canton Meth made motion to approve the Afinutcs of the Febmary 6,,2001,Fi <br />