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Finance Committee Minutes <br /> June 2 ,2001 <br /> Page Three. <br /> REOUEST FOR TRANSFER FROM THE RESERVE FUND To THE INTEREST OUTSIDE % <br /> ACCOUNT: <br /> request for transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Interest Outside 2 V2Account was received in the amount of <br /> $51,502.38 due to a deficit because the former Treasurer forgot to budget the Merest for the school land. <br /> Maryanne Gibbs made motion to approve the request for transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Interest Outside <br /> 2112 Account in the amount of$5,502.38. <br /> Carlton Meredith seconded. <br /> Voted— -0—Unanimous <br /> RETEST FOR TRANSFER R RTHE RESERVE FUND TO THE Mr+DICRE ACCOUNT <br /> request for ftw sfer from the Reserve Fund to the Medicare Account was received in the amount of$13M00 <br /> 00 <br /> for benefits for the school lump out payments due to the increase in staff in the school dcpartment. <br /> The Town Accountant explained that there is one more payment left this year on Medicare. The budget was <br /> increased for 2002 so they should have enough money next year. <br /> Kathy Lynch made motion to approve the request for transfer of$13,000 to the Medicare Account. <br /> Dean Arden seconded. <br /> Voted 4-1 <br /> Arnold,Arden,Lynch,Meredith—approved <br /> C4ibbs—opposed <br /> REQUEST FOR TRANSFER FROM THF,RESERVE FUND TO THE " R L R CCOUNT: <br /> request for transfer from the Reserve Fund to the Foreclosure Account was received in the amount of$21,000 <br /> for payment of two hills for Coppola and Coppola totaling$40,010.14 due to an extensive research for tax <br /> foreclosure. <br /> The Town Accountant explained that the bill is for legal procedures that had to be done on foreclosures. The <br /> hills were mild on June 0 . Discussion followed regarding holding bills as unpaid hills and Wait until <br /> October to pay or they could pay the amount left in the account and pay the remainder in October. <br /> Kathy Lynch made motion to approve the transfer of$21,000 from the Reserve Fund to the Foreclosure <br /> Account. <br /> Dean Arden seconded. <br /> Voted -2 <br /> Arden,Lynch, Gibbs—approved <br /> Arnold,Meredith—opposed <br /> DISCUSSION REGARDING THF TAX_COLLECTOR'S OSCE BEING RE Ifs .TO PUBLISH <br /> A LLT OF I EIIIN [1ENT'TAXPAYERS AND S'T'ATUS of THOSE ACCOUNTS: <br /> Discussion was held regarding sending a liter to the Board of Selectmen to retest the Tax Collector's mice <br /> to publish a list of delinquent taxpayers. Maryanne Cribbs said the Town is required to publish a list of <br /> delinquent taxpayers if they go into tax title and Foreclosure. Once a taxpayer goes on a payment plan it is v ry <br /> confidential and should not be published. It was the consensus of the Finance Cottee to send a letter to the <br /> Selectmen with the request and let them research hove to do it. <br />