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1a <br /> "11PEE FINANCE COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES <br /> lS <br /> TUESDAY,I ECEI E ,2001 <br /> Present-, Chairman Jeff Arnold <br /> Dean Arden,Kathy Lynch, Carlton Meredit14 Jim Morgan <br /> Absent: Fred Blithe,Deirdre Greelish <br /> CALL TO ORDER: <br /> The neting was called to order by ChairnJeff Arnold at 7:10 p.n. at the Mslpe Town 111,Meeting <br /> Room# ,on Tuesday,December 4,2001. <br /> APPROVAL OF NWWTES: <br /> Carlton Meredith made motion to approve the Minutes of the November 1 ,200 1,Finance Conunittee Meeting, <br /> seconded by Dean Arden, <br /> otcd- - -Unanimous <br /> RE ,.U E ST FOR TRAN SFER FROM RESERVE E FUND TO DATA PROCESSIN G ACCOUNT: <br /> A request was received from Stcvc Buss,Data Processing, for a transfer from the Deserve Fuad to the Data <br /> Processing Account in the amount of$275.00 for his five-year longevity salary. Mr.Buss said he failed to <br /> incorporate longevity compensation into his budget, <br /> Dean Arden rade motion to approve the request in dic amount of$275-00,scondcd by Carlton Meredith. <br /> Voted— - —Unanimous <br /> REPORT ON SCHOOL.COMMITTEE 11 EET N —VATRY LYNCH: <br /> CH: <br /> Kathy Lynch explained that the School Committee is involved in negotiations. They are discussing the east of <br /> living increase,which is norm-ally %. Ms.Lynch felt the Finance Co nxittee should decide what percentage <br /> they will take a stand on. Discussion followed regarding if the Finance.Corrunittee has any say hi the contracts. <br /> Anything that involves money should have a dollar figure after it and if there is a 3%cost of living increase and <br /> they want to add one sick day then they should put a dollargxure on that extra 4r. The Coimnittee felt they <br /> would support an increase not to exceed %over the gree years of the contract. <br /> BUDGET HERS TO THWK ABOUT: <br /> 1. ]discussion followed regarding Blue Cross Blue Shield cow for new hires,an 1 - moo i-rcr as . <br /> 2. Discussion refarding increase of Cape Cod Tech funds and enrollment figures,which are off every year <br /> because Lhey budget bcforc October 154 and flic figure is always high. <br /> . The Chary Sheet will be$95,000 short of last year. <br /> FIN AN CE COMMITTEE FY 03 BUDGET RE UEST: <br /> Finance Commiucc 03 budget request should be in by December 17''. Discussion followed ng rding the May <br /> meeting'Town w nunt expenses and the cxl n c for mclubers going to the MMA t meeting. The Co rtiittcc felt <br /> they should in rc=Lhe expense account to$12,500, <br /> Carlton Mcrcditli made motion to incrcasc the Finance Coimrdtt c Expenses request to$12,500,seconded by <br /> Kathy Lynch. <br /> Voted-- —Umx�inous <br />