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• r <br /> MA UPL E L A, C COMNLUTTEE <br /> MIN UTES <br /> TUESDAY,FEBRUARY 19,2002 <br /> Present: Cllairmmi Jeff Arnold <br /> Dean Arden,Fred Blythe,Kathy Lynch,Carlton Meredith,Jwnes. .or&f i <br /> CALL ORDER: <br /> The rneetin ��as called to order by Chainium,doff Arnold � :E� }.���.,at therfashpee Town Hall,�1eet r <br /> oom# ,on Tuesday,February � , ? . <br /> DISCUSSION OF SCHOOL BUD T: <br /> Discussion followed re w ding the SPED budget being in the negative because the fturds were et cwhbered and <br /> C <br /> does not show up in the To-vvn. The Town has to encumber any funds that here is a contract on. Kathy Lynch <br /> e la-Used the information she had received from the School Department and what she sent back to them listing <br /> diftigs sloe had askcd for acid not r ccivcd. The Conmiittee caruiot go f nvard until they,receive this <br /> inforniatiom Shc discussed how slic CaMC up with figures taking a base salary with no new positions and <br /> keeping what the currcndy had ails year. idi j u t salary increases and cost of living clic cane up��tdi a <br /> 1.17 increase. The Town c uulot afford it. If not going to give school staff their cost of living 1101-v Can dIc <br /> justify 'vin to other dcpartnicnis. Discussion followed rcgarding Chapter 70 fmids and if the State decreases <br /> Chapter 70 funds it is the School DcparunenL's probicm not the ToNvn"s problcm. <br /> Discussion � <br /> followed ro d aic Stabilization fund and they niay+ have to take soinc nioncyF out this year t <br /> fund the school dcparinicnt budget. They should approve Micah needs and Uicn if aiiytliing is left over&cidc <br /> whcrc boss to use money before they{go to other large departments. Therc;is not cnough m ncy+ to givc <br /> vcry+one their cost of living but if contractual they have to pay it. The Corin-dace%pili have to conic up xviLh an <br /> arbitra figwe and let them worry about where to nuke cuts. The Mate of Massachusetts has the 1110 t <br /> Wingent rules for SPED acid that budget cwurot be cut. Kathy Lynch sued slie would put together a package <br /> when she receives}t&rnutio n from School fie `rtment. They should look at$1.2 irrdllion about a 7 1/2% <br /> uicrease and do not vote on until they look at other 4 departments and see what they come up with quid then re- <br /> visit School Departnient. It'-was.agreed they t ould continue to hold witil get information needed- <br /> DISCUSSION <br /> eeded.DISCU SION OF CAPE COD TECH BUDGET: <br /> Ain Morgan said there are 3 towns who will not support the Cape Cod Tech budget,Mashpee,Barnstable acid <br /> 1 elllleet. Yarmouth,Brewster and Truro lime not, <br /> onunitte d. They;piaai to het to���n collecti�xel -to <br /> reconmiend no support and go buck to Cape Cod Tech people and say they wIU not support its budget and give <br /> { p t and suggest gest the r would not want to take the chance of the budget not <br /> theme ars opportux� to re�tlunk the budge � <br /> being approved at Town M eturg. They will give them a set of para,nrcters t next meeting. <br /> Carlton Mcrdidi imd <br /> motion to provide tentative approval to Jim Morgan to act in their behalf and speak to <br /> groupof schools to oppose dic budget as presented for Capc Cod Tech and to conic up Nit.h a set of parameters <br /> to prescnt to Cape Cod Teem,seconded by Kathy Lynch. <br /> VOTED— —Unanimous <br /> DISCUSSION F CEATERY: <br /> Jim Morgxi info nicd the ConumUce they Nvould g*ve a presentation to the Board of S lccU cn on Monday <br /> night. They priinaffly decided to get out of the bird they are in right now and wiH reconiniend aiat the Towil <br /> cone: up with an RFP for maintenance of the Cemetery. <br />