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--- The department's backhoe needs a new cylinder. The cost of this repair is$4,500.00. <br /> The backhoe is 8 years old. <br /> Chris Avis made a notion to approve a transfer of funds to the DPW in the amount o <br /> $4,930.62. Desire seconded the notion. Unanimous approval. <br /> Library <br /> — Town Administrator recommends a transfer of funds o $1,600.00 to the Library. <br /> -� The overage is due to pay utility costs due to the severe winter weather. The Library <br /> overran the budget on Meat. They have currently spent$8,608 through March on utility <br /> costs. <br /> Chris Avis made a motion to approve a transfer of funds to the Library in the amount of <br /> $1,600.00. Mary McDonough seconded the motion. Unanimous approval. <br /> FUTURE MEE'T'ING of FINANCE COMMITTEE: <br /> Gerry made a recommendation to have the Finance Committee meetings on the second Tuesday <br /> of each month. The committee agreed. The newt scheduled Finance Committee meeting will he <br /> held on June 8 at :oo pry <br /> ADJOURNMENT: <br /> Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:36 p.m. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Teresa L. Pearson <br /> Board Secretary <br />