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k <br /> r Mr. Patrick asked if the school is able to move money within its budget arbitrarily. Ms. <br /> Mason affirmed they are able to do so. Ms. Hunter noted questions can be asked and <br /> accountability demanded of department, although this has not been done to date. <br /> ■ Mr. Patrick suggested school not be allowed to prepay SPED until high school parking fees <br /> are eliminated. IIs. Mason noted fees are charged but there is no revolving account in <br /> place for the funds. Ms. Mason will examine where funds are currently credited. <br /> ■ Mr. Avis proposed that the majority of voters at the previous town meeting believed they <br /> voted to abolish fees, when the actual article requested only to establish a revolving account <br /> for the fees. Ms. Mason confirmed the vote was only to create the account. Ms. Hendricks- <br /> Moreno agreed that many believed the fees were not implemented. <br /> 2 Ms. Hunter noted Finance Committee can require School Committee to forfeit,budget <br /> control to the town. <br /> ShellfishHarborrrasterHerrin Warden <br /> ■ Mr. Long suggested Henning Warden, Harbormaster& Shellfish Warden responsibilities be <br /> consolidated into one position. fir. Avis agreed to pursue the consideration, with action <br /> probably not to be taken until next fiscal year. Ms. Hunter noted there are statutes <br /> governing shellfish maintenance. Ms. Mason also noted union discussions need to be <br /> considered. <br /> ■ <br /> W. Patrick questioned whether positions can simply be eliminated. Ms. Mason pointed out <br /> that the work involved still needs to be performed. <br /> ■ Mr. Avis questioned whether tasks are truly year-round or seasonal, and whether vehicles <br /> are necessary to department. Ms. Hunter noted job descriptions are available from <br /> Personnel. <br /> Finance Committee Recommendation <br /> Mr. Avis asked if there are enough fonds for all recommendations in consideration of <br /> increased Snow& Ice costs. Ms. Mason indicated she recommended a balanced budget, <br /> but Snow& Ice will take a large portion out of free cash. Mr. Long asked if town will get <br /> some reimbursement from the State. Ms. Mason stated there will be a partial <br /> reimbursement but not in time to use this year. <br /> Mr. Avis asked if department beads will work within budget recommendations. Ms. Mason <br /> affirmed that they will do so. <br /> Mr. Patrick questioned hove much free cash will remain if budget is approved. Ms. Mason <br /> estimated $400,000 will remain, but noted stabilization funds contains a different amount. <br /> She suggested $250,000 be returned to stabilization fund to ensure adequate balance. <br /> ■ Mr. Avis detailed his concern that the return of surplus to free cash was due to employment <br /> issues that Will not re-occur. He suggested some departments may have to further trim <br /> spending. Mr. Long noted departments still need to request additional funding from <br /> Finance Committee. 1&. Avis agreed departments should not need further funding other <br /> 5 <br /> than for extraordinary, unforeseen expenses. <br /> ■ ]Vis. Mason noted a recommendation for the Town Clerk salary, based upon the salary <br /> review, will be available shortly. She noted this decision will be finalized at next <br /> Selectmen's meeting. Ms. Mason will email Committee members her recommendation. <br /> ■ Mr. Patrick questioned whether budgets must always increase, gather than ensuring <br /> consistent cost-cutting efforts. Ms. Mason stated that a 3.8% increase is reasonable. Mr. <br /> Avis agreed this is a valid concern, and that the goal should be effective financial <br /> management. ibis. Mason stated that the town's growth rate warrants spending increases. <br /> ■ Mr. Long made a notion to recommend budget as presented to Selectmen, pending Town <br /> Clerk's salary adjustment. Mr. Patrick and Mr. Avis seconded the motion; approved <br /> unanimously. <br />