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MASHPEE FINANCE COMMITTEE <br /> MINUTES <br /> MONDAY,AUGUST 29, 2005 }'� <br /> Present: Gerald Umina, Chairman <br /> Chris Avis, Chuck Gasior, Bob Hutchinson, Iden Patrick <br /> Guest: Judie Hunter, Finance Manager <br /> CALL To ORDER <br /> Chairman Umina called a.meeting of the Finance Committee to order at 7:05 p.m. at the Mashp e <br /> 'Down Hall, Meeting Room 3. J <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Revaluation <br /> ■ Ms. Hunter reviewed the revaluation status as noted in special town Meeting warrant. Mr. <br /> Hutchinson asked for further detail. lir. Patrick asked whether 100% of town was <br /> revaluated, noting his concern that the revaluation was incomplete. <br /> ■ Ms. Hunter indicated that the state mandates the process be done every 3 years. Mr. Patrick <br /> asked whey the additional $25, 000 that must be expened was not in Omnibus budget <br /> Auditor Contract <br /> ■ Chairman Umina noted he received-notice that Auditors and not received the signed later <br /> of agreement. Ms. Mason agreed to recheck status with auditors. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Cranberry Bo Reimbursement Account/Maite ance Account <br /> 0 Ms. Hunter reviewed details of article as Committee had requested further information at <br /> previous meeting. She noted the issue had been omitted from previous warrant as <br /> conservation land management account. Ms Hunter agreed to provide further information <br /> for Committee's next meeting. <br /> ■ Mr. Hutchinson asked what wage account transfer covers. Ms. Hunter confirmed that funds <br /> are designate specifically for the purpose of hog maintenance. She reiterated no salaries <br /> were involved. <br /> 0 Mr. Avis asked for more information on what land is being acquired or maintained. Mr. <br /> Patrick asked why funds are being spend on land purchases when there are other dire needs <br /> in town. Ms. Hunter noted the cash is restricted by law. Mr. Patrick asked fir father <br /> clarification on restrictions regarding use of the funds. <br /> ■ Mr. Avis questioned how funds can go into salary accounts when contracts are already set. <br /> waterways Improvement Act <br /> Warrant Review= <br /> Town Bylaw Amendment Article <br /> ■ Mr. Larkin reviewed the bylaw a mend anent article. He notedthe goal was to bring the <br /> i <br /> bylaws into conformity with the Charter and state laws. Mr. Larkin explained that some <br /> bylaw chapters were missing orutdated, and that the amendment committee condensed the <br /> bylaws into seven organized sections. Mr. Larkin reported that the amendment will require <br /> a maj ofity vote at'Town Meeting. <br /> Mr. Avis asked if Mr. Larkin might anticipate any surprises that could arise in'Town <br /> Meeting discussion, such as the issue of elected versus appointed stags of town personnel. <br /> Mr. Larkin reviewed this particular issue as discussed at previous Town fleeting. <br /> Charter Amendmebt Article ., , <br />