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Renuest to Transfer Funds�Finance Committee <br /> " Ms. Jason noted the Committee will need a funds transfer to produce the special report for <br /> both annual meetings. <br /> ■ Mr. Patrick observed the reserve fund had a$60,000 turnbaek. Ms, Mason noted all <br /> departments are living within their budgets despite higher fuel costs. <br /> Town Meeting Procedures <br /> ■ <br /> Mr. Patrick suggested that there should be no farther discussion from Committee members <br /> at Town Meeting after Committee has presented its recommendation of an article. <br /> Chairman Jn ina noted clarification of speakers as Finance Committee members versus <br /> citizens should be made, noting members should be entitled to comment as taxpayers, <br /> Mr. Patrick proposed minority reporting could be an option in some cases. <br /> ■ Ms. Mason noted she has not faced this issue with Committee members, but has cleared the <br /> issue with employees speaking at Town Meeting through the State Ethics Commission. She <br /> stated the Commission cleared the action, noting the importance of the speaker"shy sical <br /> location. <br /> ■ Mr. Hutchinson agreed the voter has a right to express beliefs and the voter perception of <br /> recommendations is that they are unanimously supported. <br /> ■ Committee discussed options of presenting Finance nce Committee decisions to voters. Ms. <br /> Mason outlined the Planning Board's method of posting decisions, and suggested the <br /> Cottee could consider the for the annual meeting in May. <br /> ■ Mr. Gasior pointed out the error made by the moderator by denying speaking finite to <br /> department heads if non-resident. Ms. Mason agreed to remind moderator of the charter <br /> ruling on this matter. <br /> APPROVAL of MINUTES <br /> Mr. Patrick made a motion to approve the Finance Committee minutes from July 6, July']8, July 2 <br /> and October 17, 2005. Mr. Avis seconded the motion. Mi <br />