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qF <br /> Assistant Town Manyger Position <br /> ■ Mr. Avis clarified that the Finance Director salary& expenses move would provide <br /> $35!M0 to fund Asst. Town Manager position. She plans on a salary range of —98,000 <br /> for position. <br /> ■ Ms. > ressi reviewed funding arrangements, and asked whether the remainder of funds <br /> would be available for other departments. Ms. Mason noted the Assistant position had <br /> always been a line item, but never used.. <br /> School c rtrnen <br /> a Mr. Hutchinson offered his support of a 4.5% increase for school, noting recommendation <br /> is only 1%below its request. He discussed.bylaws regulating staffing levels. He offered to <br /> discuss with department the idea to postpone adding two kindergarten teachers, IVIS. Mason <br /> proposed that initiative could be started this year within the 4.5%budget increase. Mr. <br /> Patrick disagreed with initiative, suggested the school has too many teachers already. <br /> ■ Mr. Hutchinson suggested level funding assumes everything is right with department, and <br /> does not allow for any changes geared toward measurable improvements. <br /> ■ Is. Mason stated she has another meeting /department in.coming days to discuss <br /> increase, and noted her budget level should not warrant any layoffs. She noted the <br /> additional kindergarten teachers had already been hired using circuit breaker funds. <br /> ■ Mr. Avis suggested now would be a good time to discuss with school department the idea <br /> of moving budget administration to the town. Ms. Mason observed this would be a struggle <br /> but is one of the goals she intends to,accomplish. <br /> Overall Budget issues <br /> ■ Mr. Avis asked what the major factors are that contribute to the Police I epa`rtment increase. <br /> Ms. Mason indicated the town must issue all l ather goods in uniforms, and noted these are <br /> now in severe disrepair. She confinned an increase in salary expense. Ms. Mason noted <br /> there are other increases in-energy and fuel,both of which she can cut back. There are also <br /> maintenance contract increases, and she noted department had not been appropriately <br /> funded for many years. <br /> ■ Mr. Avis asked for stags on the funds given to Police Department in previous year. Ms. <br /> Mason noted the capital projects are finishing up soon, and has hired a consultant to assess <br /> the heating system. Chairman Umina confirmed the issues pertaining to the"heating system. <br /> ■ Ms. Mason confirmed that $85,,000 for vehicles will be in next year's Capital Improvement <br /> budget. <br /> ■ Mr. Patrick noted staffing reviews have been ongoing for a year. Ms. Hendricks Moreno <br /> noted the Chief has only been in position for six months and reeds time to review status a <br /> he inherited a mess in the facility. <br /> ■ <br /> Mr. Avis suggested questions could be asked of hierarchy adjustments are in the works. <br /> Mr. Patrick noted he expects to meet"With the Police Chief to di -cuss. Mr. Hutchinson <br /> x � <br /> agreed to the importance to-giving time to analyze issues effectively. Mr. Hutchinson <br /> discussed police staffing issues, and credited department with effective personnel <br /> management. <br /> Fire Department <br /> ■ Mr.'Avis noted the Fire Department staffing does not raise undue concerns. Ms. Mason <br /> stated only one personnel issue is at hand, but is actively being managed. <br /> ■ Mr. Hutchinson asked for figures on the average lost time per department available, Ms. <br /> Mason agreed to provide the inform'dilon. <br /> ■ <br /> Mr. Avis noted h will discuss substation presentation by Chief at next meeting. Chairman <br /> Amina confirmed the issue will cone up in October town meeting. <br /> ■ Chairman Umina suggested a Committee visit to Police Department artment to review spending for <br /> completed repairs, <br />