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i <br /> w <br /> Mr. Avis suggested that just prior to the Planning Board getting their budget together, <br /> that she sit down with therm to discuss the same. <br /> a <br /> Mr. Gasior pointed out that the prior Board Secretary was going to confirm and make <br /> e <br /> a list of the Board Members' terms of the members. 1\4r. Arris requested the Board <br /> Secretary to confirm and prepare a current list of the tetm expirations of the Board <br /> Members. <br /> Mr. Avis asked if anyone had any reports regarding their liaison meetings. Mr. Avis <br /> stated that he had spoken to Greg Taylor of the DPW and said if the Board had any <br /> questions for there, or if there were any last minute funds, etc.,just to contact then, <br /> Mr. Avis stated that Mr. Taylor seems to feel that the DPW is in good shape to erose <br /> their books. <br /> VI. Liaison Updates <br /> Ms. Mason provides the Fffiance Committee with agenda and back-up p materials for <br /> the bi-monthly Selectman's Meeting, Mr. Gasior distributed the appropriate reports <br /> to the Finance Committee liaisons from that meet g. <br /> The Committee had a discussion i <br />