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r ' <br /> funds and/or health benefits are paid to the Chairman. Mr. Johnson W111 request from Ms. <br /> Mason exactly"who"has stipends, "why", and "what they getting paid for". There was <br /> brief discussion regarding reimbursable expensing vs. receipt of compensation, and the tax <br /> liability to the person receiving the stipend. <br /> School Medicaid Reimbursement:ursement: Bill Johnson stated.Joyce Mason confirmed the Town <br /> will not receive the reimbursement for fiscal year 2007 for certification in the fall. Mr. <br /> Johnson would like further clarification as to funds received in 2007; amount budgeted for <br /> year; what the shortfall is; and, what effect this will have on the Town. <br /> Wastewater Management Status: Sandra Lindsey stated the latest project is a public <br /> campaign for education and awareness on the wastewater. Development of the five (5) <br /> scenarios is still under consideration, as well as whether the High School Treatment plant <br /> can be taken over. <br /> Status of Three Year Financial Plan: Delayed. <br /> Redone School Department Power Point-Presentation: Delayed. <br /> Town Sal ar Analysis Presentation: Bill Johnson stated they are looking at categories of <br /> compensation, and focus is on those in the Fifty Thousand Dollar o,000.00 00/100 and <br /> over salary range. Vacation/overtime pay needs to be reviewed and is an encumbrance to <br /> the Town. Mr. Johnson expressed concern over whether"carry over"vacation time i <br /> budgeted when it needs to be paid out, and 1t was agreed this is the largest single lire item <br /> for the Town. Bill Johnson, Chuck Gasior and Sandra Lindsey further discussed exempt <br /> employees, "carry over" vacation time, and unused sick time. <br /> Animal Control Costs—where in Bud et: Bill Johnson verified that this cost is within the <br /> police budget. Chuck Gasior is not convinced this cost has been identified, but feels <br /> confident that it will be identified in the next budget. <br /> SEMASS: Bill Johnson stated that Joyce Mason confirmed for him that the Rochester <br /> Plant is back u , functioning, and operational. <br /> Contract Negotiations:tiations: Bill Johnson stated that Joyce Mason will update the Finance <br /> iir mittee at the next meeting. Sandra Lindsey noted that she and Bob Hutchinson <br /> . :- g y <br /> :~. ' subcon ittee will be meeting with Joyce on Monday. <br /> V. New Business. Fiscal 2008 Budget Schedule: Bill Johnson stated Joyce Mason <br /> will try to get information to the Committee earlier for a much smoother budget process. <br /> Year Projection of School Enrollment: Delayed. <br /> Status of Fire House Annex: `Station 2 Project". Chief Baker mrd.,. <br /> Presented dans for the new fire house,which will be of ci -and"highly economical" <br /> (use of special light bulbs, as well as lighting that will turn ffn its own if a room is not <br /> 2 <br />