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Bob Hutchinson asked Ann Bradshaw about MCAs. IVs. Bradshaw stated that they will be <br /> received on October 4. 2007. IIs. Bradshaw indicated that they plan on moving forward with <br /> their goals that were-presented to the Committee. Mr. Hutchinson also inquired if there was a <br /> Student Government. Mr. Bradshaw was not certain if there was one currently in place. Mr. <br /> Gasior asked Ms. Bradshaw about the need for further improvement. Taken off the list was the <br /> 11 lashpee school District. Ms. Bradshaw explained that the adequate yearly progress is measured <br /> as a district,and each school is measured individually. The district was taken off the list of <br /> schools that needed improvement and the schools,are still identified in need of improvement. <br /> The reason they are taken off the district list is primarily due to calculations. IVs. Bradshaw <br /> confirmed for Mr. Gasior that this is positive. <br /> Chuck Gasior inquired about the Capital Improvement program Schedule, and that the <br /> deadline for submitting the deadlines was November 1, 2007, and if there is a similar one <br /> for departmental operating budgets. Joyce Mason confirmed that certification of free cash <br /> is $2,182,771.00. Free cash is down from last year, and Ms. Mason stated the reason for <br /> this is that the number of permits issued,has come clown. <br /> VI. New Business: Sandra Lindsey attended the meeting regarding the Barnstable <br /> Health Insurance Actuarial Report. Ms. Lindsey explained that there was too much <br /> information to review at the meeting, and she noted that each person was given their own <br /> report,and individuals will have heir own interests. Ms. Lindsey reviewed statistics and <br /> noted that there is much to consider. Bob Hutchinson commented and expressed concern <br /> on unfunded liabilities, and rate of return. Mr. Hutchinson requested further information <br /> from the Town clanger and Board of Selectmen on the Town yield vs, the Mate yield. <br /> V11, Finance Committee Department Liaison Updates. Lynda Carroll did speak <br /> with Jim Long and noted"he is doing an excellent job at the Senior Center, raising funds, <br /> holding their own, and moving forward". <br /> Bob Hutchinson spoke with Chief Collins about Mr. Collins' concerns about gas costs, <br /> and saving money. <br /> Sandra Lindsey stated that there has been no update vhth regard to the web site. <br /> Chuck Gasior noted that an evaluation of road conditions was done with a video camera. <br /> It is thea given a number on a scale from"0— 100". Above "'85"is an A. "70-80"is a K <br /> below"70", a C or D. Mashpee's pavement condition is"90". There were suggestions <br /> of putting money into prevention rather than waiting for deterioration, and a <br /> recommendation to obtain Four Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars($490,000.00) <br /> 3 <br />