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c <br /> Budget Status/3 Year Plan: Joyce Mason updated the Committee on the FYo FY09 <br /> budget status, and Mated that for the FY09 budget, many line items have been reviewed, <br /> closely, and cleaned up. A big gap still remains, but lids. Mason expects to tighten it up <br /> within the next couple of weeks and present a balanced budget to the Committee. <br /> Chuck Gasior discussed property tax calculations and projections. Mr. Hutchinson noted <br /> a Four Million Dollar gap in Mr. Gasior's calculations/projections, which may be due to <br /> assessments. Mr. Gasior will provide an update on this gap. <br /> Rene' Read provided a 3-YR budget narrative-to the Committee, and expressed his <br /> concerns about projecting revenue. The narratives were from department heads, and Bob <br /> Hutchinson and Bill Johnson-expressed atisfaetion with the same. Sandra Lindsey <br /> inquired about variables. Joyce Mason stated that these variables could be permits, and <br /> other snail costs (such as photocopy charges ,that were posted incorrectly. Joyce Mason <br /> and Rene' Read will research this further and provide an update to the Committee. <br /> Town Salga Analysis Status: Bill Johnson inquired about information needed in.order to <br /> complete the salary analysis, and Joyce Mason will provide the information. Until the <br /> information is received, Mr. Johnson will work with the 2006 figures. IVIS. Mason further <br /> noted that there should be a draft audit prepared prior to February 7, 20 . <br /> Bill Johnson initiated discussion regarding co-i improvement, and requested <br /> that information from the Town Manager be expedited to the Finance Committee. Joyce <br /> Mason discussed her ideas on improv g commurucation. It was suggested by Bill <br /> Johnson that the Finance Committee be"'copied into"the Board of Selectmen e-mails. <br /> Lynda Carroll also initiated discussion regarding Mr. Chase's request for a building <br /> within the Town. <br /> V. New Business. <br /> VI. Finance Committee Mpartment Liaison 12da es. Chuck Gasior discussed one of <br /> the responsibilities of Town Manager, which is to provide a new administrative code. <br /> study was prepared by an outside group. Joyce Mason appointed a sub-committee to <br /> study the question of organization in anticipation of the administrative code for the Town. <br /> Mr. Gasior presented an organizational chart. There was discussion with Joyce Mason on <br /> vacant positions available in the Town. <br /> Bill Johnson discussed his Idea regarding a School Committee audit. Mary Dose Grady <br /> indicated that nobody is opposed to such an audit, and the payment for the same. There <br /> was further discussion on who will conduct the audit, as well as concerns of conflict of <br /> interest. <br /> Bob Hutchinson raised the issue of the proposed new firehouse that was raised at the last <br /> meeting, and whether this can be reconsidered. The facility is expected to cost Two and a <br /> Half Million Dollars. Mr. Hutchinson is concerned.about potential cost exposure, <br /> continued tax increases, and whether this facility is really needed at this time. Joyce <br /> 2 <br />