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f <br /> discussed use of existing treatment facilities in Town/permit changes, and Ann Bradshaw <br /> discussed zone delineation and operating discharge issues. Bill Johnson has met other Town <br /> Chairmen regarding wastewater management issues,and the need to help find and support a <br /> solution. Oskar Klenert raised concerns about costs,and suggested bio-engineering. <br /> V. New Business; Presentation of FY 2009 budget by the.'gown 1 lama er. Joyce Mason <br /> addmssed the Committee,and answered questions about the budget. The Town has been <br /> covering shortfalls for the last three fiscal years. <br /> Bill Johnson inquired about fuel costs, as a number of the departments were level funded, or <br /> slightly increased. Joyce Mason and Rene' Read discussed Fuel costs and the fuel depot, <br /> which they hope to have in place by the fall. Projected price per gallon i $3.50. <br /> B 111 Johnson,Bob Hutchinson and Chris Avis inquired about an internal transfer by the <br /> School in the arnount of Nine Hundred`thirty Eight"Thousand Nine Hundred Thirty Four <br /> Dollars($938,934.00)and oo/loo. Ms. Bradshaw stated that them were three reasons for this <br /> transfer: 1 when the budget was developed for 2008,contracts were not sued. On advice <br /> of School Cottee legal counsel, estimated salary increases were placed in one line item; <br /> (2) School Committee moved their budget from a 9.8%increase to a 6.2%increase at the I I th <br /> hour on March 2 d ,but had been planned at 9.8%; Chapter 70 funds had notY t been <br /> received,and the School could not wait for their receipt. <br /> Chris Avis inquired about whether the School was over budget,internally at the l I th hour, <br /> and why money was taken from an electricity account. Ann Bradshaw defended the use of <br /> the funds. Mary Rose Grady also stepped up and defended the transfer, specifically noting <br /> that the Chapter 70 funds, in the amount of Two Hundred Seventy Nine Thousand <br /> ($279,000.00)and 007100,were a large part of the transfer. Ms. Grady agreed some <br /> longevity was changed. Patricia Lugo discussed the three percent increase, and longevity, <br /> stating that the School Committee needed to scramble to move line items in order to work <br /> with a 6.2%increase. Sandra Lindsey confirmed Mr. Avis's assertion that the Finance <br /> Committee was told that the contracts had been settled. Ann Bradshaw noted she needs t <br /> spend more time with the Finance Cottee, in order to be credible to the Committee and <br /> community. Chuck Gasior suggested that Ms. Bradshaw work cooperatively with the'down <br /> Manager, since the Town Manager is the one putting the budget together. Ms. Mason <br /> strongly expressed her frustration in her attempt to obtain line Items during a School <br /> Committee meeting. <br /> VI. Fiance Committee I e artment Liaison Updates. Bob Hutchinson strongly voiced <br /> what he feels is a misrepresentation of the budget, lack of transparency,and questioned the <br /> actual cost of the salary increase, which he understood was to be only three percent. Mr. <br /> Hutchinson requested clarification regarding"Selectmen longevity'. Mr. Hutchinson also <br /> raised questions regarding the amount of overtime by both the Fire Department 10% <br /> increase)and Police Department, and expressed a need for these increases to be reviewed. <br />