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erosion,protection of abutting land,borders indicating recognized land holdings, isolated <br /> parcels, land designation,and whether the land could be used as a refine. 11 . Mason stated <br /> that meetings will be ting place to address the issue of jurisdiction. 11r. Klenert also <br /> questioned whether certain tribal members would need to sign the agreement. Chris Avis <br /> inquired about navigational restriction on Gooseberry Isle, and also access to visit the burial <br /> site. Ms. Mason cnfrrred the navigation will not be impeded in any way,and access to the <br /> burial site will be clearly defined in a side agreement. Ms. Mason Mated the property has <br /> always been Meld by the Tribe,but title was never transferred. Shawn Hendricks, Chainan <br /> of the Tribal Council explained the Tribe is made up of eleven council members,with a <br /> uornn of nine, and a Chief and Medicine Man. Mr. Hendricks could not c,onf m whether <br /> the Chief and Medicine Ilan would sign the agreement. <br /> Chuck G si r moved to aRprove Article I and Article U. Chris Avis seconded. Sandra <br /> Lindsgy,Linda Carroll and BM Johnson were in favor. Oskar Klenert abstained. Bob <br /> utchmnson was absent from the vote.57 <br /> Wastewater, ernet Update. Oskar Klenert sued that there is no status change at this <br /> time. <br /> School Contract Reviews: Joyce Mason reviewed the procedure for an override of <br /> proposition 2 2. <br /> SurrmM of Municipal.ApproRriations <br /> The Committee reviewed each department,and certain items were placed on hold. A blanket <br /> vote was taken following the review. Chuck Gasior noted the following changes: A. <br /> General Government Line 4 ($2000.00 increase); H. General Expenses Line 3 ($2,000-00 <br /> reduction)and fine 4 ($2000.00 reduction); Cape Cod Regional.Technical School($2,000.00 <br /> reduction). <br /> A. General Government: 1. Approved; 2. Approved; 3. Hold; 4. Hold (Chuck Ga.sior <br /> suggested reducing FinCom budget by$50,000.00. gene is of this reduction and <br /> potential consequences were discussed); 5.Hold; .Approved; 7. Approved. ('Joyce <br /> confirmed for Sandra Lindsey that the Acting Treasurer is under contract with Mashpee � <br /> as a consultant 3 days per week." There was no staff Treasurer at the time the <br /> information was reviewed, and is a position that will be filled later in the year); <br /> . Approved; 9. Hold(Discussion regarding transfer of position to IT Department); 10. <br /> Approved. <br /> B. Maintenance of Public : 1. Mold; 2. Approved; 3.Approved; 4. Hold <br /> (Committee will invite Katherine Laurent to next meeting); 5.Approved. <br /> C. Lund& Propgrly Develo Ment; 1. Hold;2. Mold; 3. Approved; 4. Hold. <br /> D. Public Sgfqty&Enforce A <br /> gMcies: 1. fold; 2. old 3, fold; 5. Approved. <br /> 2 <br />