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7/24/2008 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
7/24/2008 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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Mashpee_Meeting Documents
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station recycling was discussed, and Joyce Mason feels there will continue to be an increase <br /> m cycling. Chris Avis inquired if there has been an increase in the amount of trash dumped <br /> in the woods, and Joyce Mason stated that she has not heard there has been a recent problem. <br /> Mr. Avis requested trash collection be monitored. <br /> Status of School DgLartinent Financial.Review. There was discussion on the stats of the <br /> audit(Auditor is Matt Hunt). After Mr. Hunt's review, if the Committee questions,they <br /> can be followed up at that tune. Joyce Mason coir niented that Mr. Hunt had hoped to have <br /> the audit completed by fliis time. Chairman Lindsey inquired if there is a projected end date <br /> r wrap up date. Bill Johnson sued that there was not. <br /> . <br /> v.lew Business: Chief Baler--Discussion of ro ess of fire suOWNstation and current budget <br /> inn act over pomt resentation . Chief Baler confinned for Chris,Avis that the sub-station <br /> sloes not have a basement. Some seasonal areas,such as South Mashpee, are now presided in <br /> year round. There is no summer peak, as there has been in the past,and January is busier <br /> than it has been. Average calls are 7-15 per day. Bays are busier than nights, although more <br /> fire calls at night. peal hour seasonal staffing-the busiest time is 11:00 am.—4:30 p.m. <br /> Chief faker discussed his s among needs per shift, and SAFER Grant funding. There is a five <br /> year commitment for the Grant. Chief Baker further confirmed for Chris Avis that a gmt <br /> for$300,000.00 is $300,000-00"per year". First year Town pays 20%,then each year up to <br /> 100%. Oskar Klenert requested information on what is required of the Town for the Grant, <br /> and if goals of the Town are required. Documentation is provided by the Fire Chief,and then, <br /> presented to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Klenert expressed concern about the scarcity of <br /> Grant money, and suggested the Grant process be closely monitored. <br /> There are currently a total of thirty three 3 employees. Chief Baker discussed costs to <br /> create two new positions. Bill Johnson requested clarification on benefits, and expressed <br /> concern about the benefit percentage rate,which appeared higher thantarty percent <br /> per person. Chief Baker confimed for Bill Johnson that sing costs are not included in the <br /> current budget. Chris Avis inquired about staffing with one person, and Chief Baker <br /> explained his cons about the use of one person. Chairman Lindsey inquired about <br /> administrative staff, and Chief Baler clarified the roles of the supervisory staff. Chairman <br /> Lindsey further requested an organization table from the Chief. Chief Baker clarified the 2 <br /> hour staffing(ordered by an arbitrator)for Chairman Lindsey, and does not feel they would <br /> be successful in,their attempt to overturn this order. There are no updates or formal <br /> discussions regarding a staffing partnership with wampanoag Tribe. Lynda Carroll inquired <br /> about policy if both employees were called out of the substation,and Chief Baker stated that <br /> they will not recall for that stati <br />
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