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his <br /> SPMIā€”us funds from School bud et* Oskar Klenert reviewed the figures of the FY08 <br /> re g funds. Mr. Klenert would like more PR and guested that the school keep the <br /> public in the loop,especially in anticipation of the tax gate. Ann Bradshaw suggested a <br /> presentation for the Finance Cottee; Bill Johnson suggested an article in the Enterprise. <br /> VI.FinCom Liaison 112dat ; Sever and PIa nin . Oskar Klenert was pleased to discuss <br /> study being done to determine if it would be possible to take the upper Cape area and put it <br /> 00 <br /> into one sewer treatment plant. It is thought that there is sufficient land for such a project. <br /> IT Ike went I tes. Chairman Lindsey met with David I el ecehio and discussed the <br /> back up system. This system is complicated for the Town as it includes all the dements. <br /> Capital Improvement request has been made to upgrade the system. All Schools are now <br /> wireless. Efforts are being made to coordinate IT between the School and Town. Regarding <br /> "going grmn",hardware upgrades were discussed. Mr, Delvecchio has spoken to Joyce <br /> Mason about a"g=ner"runnina tower,as current computers draw a lot of enemy. <br /> VH.Items for Next Meetin . Warrant review; PR effort: Invite Jason Streebel and <br /> ' m Fudala to eeting. <br /> VIH.Hobo to Ad'o ren: Sandra LMndsey moved to adjourn. Bob Hutchison <br /> seconded. AH were ' a The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 p.m. <br /> Next M ting: S to ber 11,2 08,at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall. <br /> Resp tfhl subr by, <br /> et <br /> ice oSecretary <br /> r <br /> 11/13/2008 <br />