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Minutes of the Finance Committee <br /> April 7,2009 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall,Selectmen's Meeting loom <br /> Meeting called to order at: Chairman Sandra Lindsey called the meeting of the Finance <br /> Committee to order at 6:40 p.m. at the Mashpee Town Hall <br /> Present: Sandra Lindsey,Chairman;vice Charman Chuck Oasior; Bill Johnson; <br /> Chris Avis; Bob Hutchm" Son; Oskar Klenert,Clerk; Lynda Carroll <br /> Excused: None <br /> Others: Joyce Mason,Town Manager; bene' Read,Assistant Torn Manager; Ann <br /> Bradshaw; Terrie Cook; Tom Fudala <br /> I...A Prov l o M* utes: Bill Johnson moved to a1212rove the Minutes of March 26,2009. <br /> Chris Avis seconded. vice Chairman Gasior andynda Carroll abstained as they were <br /> not ipresent at the March 26,2009 Finance Committee meetinz leo discussion. <br /> II.Corresipondence: <br /> III. l eguests for Transfer: None. Reserve Account Balance: No discussion. <br /> IV. Old Business: <br /> V. New Business: Discussion of Sever Article. 1 r. Fu.dala addressed Committee regarding <br /> Arficle adopted in 1999 for a Forty Thousand($40,000.00)Dollar and 00/100 supplemental <br /> account. Account is in existence,and needs renewal ever, three years. There is an <br /> unexpected expense of approximately$8,000.00 for an archeologist. Without renewal,there <br /> are not enough funds in the mount for bills. <br /> Chairman Lindsey inquired about payments to Steams&Wheeler vs.amass Dartmouth. <br /> Mr. Fudala explained that it is SRF Loan funds. UMass Dartmouth has billing issues. Work <br /> was completed,and then a$40,000.00 bill was ultimately received. Town is curently ir,a <br /> "waiting mode"'for requested work. Bill Johnson inquired about Projected needs. <br /> Stearns&Wheeler was hired in 1999. They were consultant for Falmouth and Barnstable, <br /> and it was thought to be advantageous to have consistency. "dice Chairman Oasior confirmed <br /> what will be paid out of the account balance,and if it includes archeologist payment. <br /> Oskar Klenert discussed the contract and expressed concern that time delays have not been <br /> challenged. He sees it as a"barrel without b tom", and is concerned about taxpayers' <br /> reaction. Mr. Fudala explained timetable delays for Mr. Klenert. There are no federal funds <br /> for sewers. There are five scen -ios, and very tentative costs available. Focus is to obtain <br /> most cost effective plan. Mr. Fudala also discussed the Federal Clean Water Act. <br /> 7/23/2009 1 <br />