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e . <br /> 3 <br /> The sentence in paragraph 8 being with"The impact...."will be stricken entirely from <br /> the letter. Bob Hutchinson made the following suggestion regarding the St. Vincent Property <br /> and substation. "The addition of these two capital items have boosted the debt schedule. <br /> There is_a._$40.0o .00 increase to u port the land acquisition and fire house.' <br /> - -- - I I ��I I I■ 1■I I! I I I.I�P■I■.P■r.M.ry <br /> V1.F M* Com.Liaison Wa es: Chuck Gasior presented a graph on the projected tax rate, <br /> and frther discussed an article regarding phasing out the CPA sem. There is a debt <br /> associated with the CPA surtax. Debt payments must be met first. <br /> VAI. Items for Next Me etin Volunteers to interview candidate George Schmidt. Chairman <br /> Lindsey suggests an i <br />