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h <br /> TOWN BUSINESS <br /> 1. state of Affairs Town of Mashpee Theresa cook— Board of Selectmen Liaison <br /> Theresa Cook stated that in her estimation, Mashpee is better off financially than marry of the <br /> towns on the Cape because of the excellent financial management by the Town Manager <br /> and the Finance Committee. Ms. Cook stated that in her mind, Mashpee is ahead of the <br /> curve in dealing with the future financial challenges the torn faces, due to the forward <br /> planning of the Tern Manager and the Finance Committee. <br /> . challenges for 2012-Town Manager-Joyce Mason <br /> Joyce Mason stated that the budget process has begun,'and is moving along well. The town <br /> is looking at whether there will be any additional funding available for adding another police <br /> officer, and fire fighter, for the schools and for the capital permit program. Joyce Mason <br /> stated that increases in health benefits, and contracts under negotiation are moving targets <br /> to be dealt with in the budgeting process. <br /> Bili Johnson stated three questions to be asked regarding school budget items: <br /> 1 school salaries: did the school committee ever ask the union to make concessions? <br /> 2 $600,000 out-of-district tuition <br /> 3) special needs transportation —this item increased significantly with no explanation <br /> Joyce Mason agreed that these answers coo need to be answered, and suggested that the <br /> questions should be put in writing from the Finance Committee for presentation to the School <br /> Committee. Bill Johnson will send the questions in writing to Joyce Mason. <br /> Chuck Gasior asked Joyce Mason about the status of permitting by the Planning Board for <br /> new construction to begin at Mashpee Commons. Joyce stated that permitting approval by <br /> the Planning Board is a challenging and tedious process, and is moving very slowly. Joyce <br /> stated that a'BOB liaison will be joining in discussions with the Planning Board to try to <br /> encourage the Board to work with the developer to get things roving, as the new <br /> construction growth is very important to the town financially. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> 1. Invitation Leger to Newly-elected Legislators Representing Cape Cod --Chris vis- <br /> Chris Avis stated that at the last meeting, the Committee voted to invite.bandy Hunt, v iliiam <br /> } <br /> Keating,: and Mr. Vieira to a future Finance Committee meeting, with the committee members <br /> P <br /> roviding requested topics of discussion to the legislators ire advance of the.rneeting. Chris <br /> Avis asked for suggestions from the committee members as to questions/issues they would <br /> like to include in the proposed meeting. The committee members came up with a number <br /> of suggested topics for Chris, who agreed to prepare a complete list for review and approval <br /> g <br /> of the committee at the next meeting. After.approval of the list by the committee, Chris Avis <br /> will draft a letter of invitation to the legislators, for review and approval by the committee. <br /> 2. Review rr f 2012 Tax Rate as calculated by the Assessor's office ! chuck Gasior <br /> Chuck Gasior presented a review of the process followed by the Assessing Office to <br /> calculate the projected municipal property tax rate (see Attachment A for Details). <br /> Mr. Gasior stated that he took the actual numbers used by the Assessorto develop the new <br /> tax rate for Mashpee, which was $8.37/$1,000. The Assessor, in developing this, used <br /> document called the Massachusetts Dept. of Revenue Assessment Classification Deport for <br /> 2011. r. Gasior stated that in order for individuals to determine their to rate for the corning <br /> year, they must multiply their new assessment by the new tax rate to find out what their <br /> actual takes are, and thea compare that to the prior year, because that number is not static. <br /> 2 <br />