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2/10/2011 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
2/10/2011 FINANCE COMMITTEE Minutes
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used for, increases a floating budget total that we can't really get our arms around. The school <br /> committee process Is not clear to the Finance Committee. <br /> William m Johnson made a recommendation that wherever a pre-pay is concerned, show a <br /> column without the pre-pay and to show the numbers as finally resolved. Ms.. Bradshaw stated <br /> that the school Committee would be open to a discussion with the Finance Committee <br /> regarding the use of pre-pays. Ms. Bradshaw plans to core back to the Finance committee by <br /> the end of March with the school Committee's final budget number. <br /> 3. Finance Corrine report— Review of Draft Document-Charles Gasior <br /> Copies of the Finance Committee Report draft prepared by Charles Gasior were distributed to <br /> the committee members.. Mr. Gasior explained that every town committee/board submits an <br /> annual report to the Town Manager, who then incorporates the documents into a Town Rep ort. <br /> The first Article of every May Torn Meeting is to approve the Annual Town Report. Mr. Gasior <br /> asked the committee members to provide hire with their additions/corrections to the draft by the <br /> net meeting on February 24, 2011 before submitting it to the Town Manager. <br /> . Entitlementf etir rnent Accounting—Oskar Kleinert <br /> Oskar Klen rt reported that in a meeting with the neer Mate Representative David Vieira, Mr. <br /> ieira indicated that in order to obtain a credit rating for a town with the agencies, they require <br /> that these funds be spelled out to see what is being covered-by the town and what the short fall <br /> is. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> 1. Invitation Letter to cape cod Mate Legislators—Christopher Avis <br /> Oskar Klenert reported that he and Charles Gasior rnet w' ith David Vieira and Mr. Dunt and was <br /> surprised to hear that the meeting was called by ilr. Vieira who was trying to get some input on <br /> the new bill filed to change the appropriations of the CPA fund. it was a good meeting because <br /> the consensus was that everyone is benefiting a little bit from'these-funds: the town <br /> administration, the humanities, the historical society, but the general public does not benefit, <br /> especially the maintenance of these facilities. All the towns around us have indicated that they <br /> are eager to get this changed so they can keep their recreational facilities in good shape. <br /> Charles Gasior stated that the matching funds come from the deeds that are recorded in the <br /> county. Oskar Klenert stated that Mr. Vieira had indicated he would be happy to assist in any <br /> way, and therefore urged that the Committee move ahead with the invitation letter. Christopher <br /> Avis will finalize the letter for approval at the next Finance committee meeting on 2/24/11. <br /> . Regional nal Tech High school Budget Increase—Charles Gash <br /> Charles Gasior distributed copies of a cape Cod Tech 1= 12 Assessments chart, indicating that <br /> the total assessments have increased $330,115 .3% in FY12 over FY11. The Il ashpee <br /> FY 12 enrollment has increased 9.7%, with total assessments increased from $888,926 in FY 11 <br /> to $955,504-i n FY 12. Oskar l" lenert stated his feeling that the taxpayers are justified in asking <br /> for an explanation of what is going on behind the scene. <br /> Christopher Avis made a motion that the Finance Committee invite the Mashpee rep, David <br /> Bloomfield, and possibly the Regional Tech business manager and the superintendent, to <br /> attend our next meeting to explain the Cape cod Tech assessment. Mark Davini seconded the <br /> motion. The motion was-unanimously approved. <br /> Oskar Klenert will extend the invitation to Regional Tech. <br />
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