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(New Business, oon 'd <br /> on a part time basis. The library is being heavily used, additional'staff is very much needed and <br /> because the 3 new employees are part time, there will be'no increase in health benefit costs. As a <br /> result of the additional staff, in order to maintain accreditation of the library' as well as grant <br /> funding, the library budget will be increased by 16%. <br /> Joyce Mason commented on a new Rate Saver i Plan be`rn -r - utw -ich_ -- <br /> employees an option to pay a slightly higher deductible but with much lowerremiu <br /> � mss. Joyce <br /> stated that the newer, younger hires are choosing the Fate Saver plan which puts more money <br /> back into their paychecks. The Master Health Plan is still an option for ne ,hires. Employees yeas pay <br /> 25% of the cost of their healthy care plan. <br /> Joyce Mason stated that employees will be given the existing package pension acka e 1an <br /> currently in place. <br /> Joyce stated that sic students from other districts have chosen to attend Mashpee schools.Dols. The <br /> school receives $5000 per student; however, the per-pupil cost to the community is hl <br /> $143000. <br /> y roughly <br /> Joyce Mason -stated that she is recommending that $250,000 be taken from the free cash to <br /> start a <br /> new trust fund to offset an unfunded liability the town is responsible for. The trust fund would be a <br /> separate fund that could be used for that purpose only. Although $250,000 isntY a dent in the <br /> liability amount, it is-a start, and the state is not too far behind from dictating the establishment# of <br /> such a fund. Charles Gasior stated his feeling that such a trust too limiting, and that the <br /> $250,000 might betterstabilization -flexibility <br /> be used to add to the to fund, giving us the to use the <br /> funds where needed. <br /> Joyce Mason commented on the $300,000 increase for the ch <br /> 001 budget} and stated that because - <br /> there-are increases in the General Government budgets,' it is only a citable and fair that the Sch <br /> � oo r <br /> Department should also receive an increase which will go toward closing their$600,000 budget <br /> gap. <br /> .Joyce Mason stated the town will be presenting a small capital budget this year, but the difference <br /> this year is that the town will move forward with a $I.5MM 15-year capital maintenance bond <br /> based on the report received from consultants that reviewed the entire town's building repair <br /> needs. This will not impact the taxpayers; it will all be within the operating budget. <br /> . Important Future Meeting Dates in March/April/ ai <br /> March 1 Oth,- next Finance Committee Meeting <br /> March h '10— Finance Committee Warrant Review with B S <br /> Manch 24 — Public Hearing. <br /> April Vt —deadline for final budget report to Joyce Mason ; <br /> April 4th— newspaper entry deadline <br /> May 2 I—Town Meeting <br /> . Review w of warrant Articles for May Town Meeting <br /> Charles Gasior stated that any of the Petition Articles, those warrants submitted by town residents <br /> cannot be removed unless requested by the residents. <br /> 3 <br />